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It has basically been a month since Hatsume's stay and well Katsuki has been keeping his distance from her as well as Izuku. Izuku has tried everything- yet it all went in vain.

Katsuki and Shoto woke up 6:23am. They were getting ready for a very special day today. They were pretty much buzzing with excitement and anticipation from the night before. They received such amazing news from their parents in the middle of the night. They took a bubble bath - with extra bubbles, taking an hour and fifteen minutes to scrub and cleanse themselves. Once they got out, they wrapped their bodies in their favourite bathrobes. And with all that, Izuku and Eijiro did not wake up from their precious sleep. Katsuki and Shoto moisturized their bodies with lotion, took out their clothes - black and white short floral dresses that had a medium length V-neck, black long heels with straps and clear quartz crystal necklaces with matching earrings.

 They then went to Izura and Asami's room and took them out of their crib. They bathed them and dressed them in cute pink floral dresses with sandals and pink head bands. They took them downstairs where he made breakfast for everyone. He and Shoto munched on their last pieces of toast while they breastfed Izura and Asami before grabbing their little beige bags which contained their phones, wallets, two packets of gummy bears, juice, yoghurt, six diapers with baby wipes, lotion, a pair of slippers and Katsuki's car keys. They left carrying Izura and Asami with one arm whilst pushing their stroller with the other.

Katsuki was driving when he got a call. He answered it by pressing a button on the steering wheel. "Hey dad, do you need anything?" 'No dear, I just called to make sure you are still coming.' Hizashi said through the other line. "Yes dad, we are on our way - we are bringing Izura and Asami along." 'That is good, just text me once you've arrived.' "Sure dad, bye." 'Bye dear.' He cut the call and looked through the rear-view mirror, watching as his daughter and Asami sleep peacefully in their car seats. Their blankets covering them as they drooled on their neck pillow. He smiled at the adorable sight before his tore his eyes away to focus on driving. He got to his parents' house within thirty minutes and texted his dad about his arrival. His parents came out of the house and got in the car along with Shinsou and Denki. They all greeted each other and got in the car. Katsuki was driving a big SUV, so it was extremely spacious. 

They arrived at the airport where they waited for their cousin. Katsuki spotted her and her mother and immediately called out to them. Ayesha ran up to her dear cousins and gave them a bear hug. 

Ayesha Bakugou is Mitsuki and Masaru's daughter. She is half Indian and half Japanese. Masaru is from Musutafu whereas Mitsuki was from South Delhi. Ayesha is also 19 years old, but she has Masaru's hair colour. She and Katsuki look like twins, but you can easily tell who is who. Ayesha was born in Japan but later moved to South Delhi because her dad died in a freak accident when she was 8. Mitsuki is not Shota, Rei and Areum's (Aoyama's mother's name since I could not find her real name) biological sister. She was adopted by their parents.

Mitsuki was elated to reunite with her siblings again. She stopped talking to them for 6 months after Masaru's death. But who could blame her? She lost the love of her life and the father to their only child. She smiled at them before noticing her nephews weren't alone. "My goodness, it sure has been a while, hasn't it?" Mitsuki exclaimed. "You have all grown up so much. Ayesha and I missed you all a lot." She smiled. "We missed you guys too. Why don't we grab something to eat while we chat?" Katsuki suggested, earning a series of nods from the others. Shinso and Hizashi carried their luggage and placed it carefully in the car as they all got in.

They entered a cute cafe and sat as the waiter took their order. "I see that there are new members in the family huh. Shota and Rei did not tell me that you gave birth." Mitsuki stated as she gazed upon Izura and Asami. Shouta choked on his saliva. Denki was stifling a laugh. "No aunty, you've got it all wrong. These are Shoto and Katsuki's children." Shinso clarified as Mitsuki raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh, I did not know Katsuki and Shoto had fallen pregnant." Katsuki smiled at her as Ayesha and Hizashi cooed at the sight of the pups sleeping.

Their food came. Izura and Asami awoke to the sound of chattering around them. Letting out a loud wail as they did not see their mothers. Katsuki and Shoto took them out of their strollers and started lulling them to sleep - with no avail - the pups wailed louder. Having no other option, Katsuki and Shoto placed a blanket over the pups' heads and untied their straps to their dresses so they could breastfeed their pups. Once successful, their pups almost immediately latched on and started sucking on their nipples. 

"I see they are very much clingy towards you both." Ayesha laughed as everyone joined in. They joked around and ate as they reminisced in the happy memories. Shinso introduced Denki to Mitsuki and Ayesha. He left everyone astonished upon announcing Denki's pregnancy. Ayesha and Mitsuki were especially left astonished after finding out both Denki and Shinso were to be wedded in 3 weeks. They never thought that Shinso would want to get married so soon considering how young he and Denki are.  

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