Mood Swings

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A few days after Katsuki asked Izuku if he thought he was fat, and Izuku comforted him, more things started happening.

"Izu?" Katsuki called out to him, one evening. izuku responded with a hum. "Denki called me weird." Katsuki exclaimed a few tears ran down cheeks to the bottom of his chin.

"Wait, Kat, I was only joking." Denki said as he tried to calm the pregnant blond. That only resulted to Katsuki crying even more. "Please don't cry, please." Denki begged as Shoto came down the stairs slowly, upon hearing the noise.

Shinso was laughing at the situation, only to receive a glare from his boyfriend and Shoto. "What did YOU do DENKI?" Shoto questioned, emphasizing the words Denki and YOU, causing Denki to gulp and pray to whatever God watching over him, ton please spare his life.

"Kat, please calm down, you know he did not mean whatever he said." Izuku tried to calm the situation, which did not help at all. "You picking his side over mine? You don't love me anymore." Katsuki whined as he cried even harder. Shoto became emotional as well and started to cry too.

Izuku mentally face palmed. "Ay, what's going on here?" Eijirou questioned  as he came downstairs after not finding Shoto in their bedroom. "Ei, i don't even know anymore." Izuku stated, sighing as he was trying to figure out a way to calm the 2 pregnant omegas down.

Then miraculously, an idea popped into his very empty head. "Kat if you stop crying, i will buy you ice-cream." Izuku offered, as Katsuki immediately stopped crying and wipe away any tears and smiled. "Same goes for you Sho, please stop crying and i will buy you some cold soba." Eijirou said as Shoto stopped crying and became excited.

"Wait what, so you are telling me that you guys were HUNGRY. You know what, i need to lay down, because your mood swings are just something else." Denki stated as he laid down on the 1 of the couches.

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