Chapter 7 | The Reckoning (Part 2)

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Cordelia wakes to a knock on the door. She groans, burying her face into the warmth in front of her. She pulls back, opens her eyes and sees Din. He has his arm around her, holding her against his chest. She smiles, spotting the Child sleeping between their stomachs.

There's another knock on the door and she sighs, slowly pulling away as to not wake them. She rubs her eyes as she walks to the door and opens it. Kuiil stands in the doorway, the Child's new pram next to him. 

"Oh, Kuiil, it looks great!" She says, leaning down to inspect it. The Ugnaught nods and leaves, heading back to his Bluurgs. Cordelia turns, planning on waking Din to show him, but he's already right behind her holding the Child.

She smiles at them and grabs the Child, settling him inside the new pram. He coos and makes himself comfortable.

"He loves it, Kuiil!" Cordelia calls out the door. 

"Good. It should last longer than the last. I have spoken." He responds. She kneels in front of the pram and runs her finger over the Child's forehead.

"You're a little spoiled, but it's okay because it just means we love you very much." She tells him. He coos, wrapping his hand around her finger. She looks at Din and finds him already looking at them, helmet tilted. "Is something wrong?" She asks. He shakes his head.

"No. Everything's perfect, Cyar'ika." He responds. She stands and moves in front of him.

"What does that mean? Cyar'ika?" She asks. He leans down and rests his helmet on her forehead. 

"Darling." He says. She smiles, closing her eyes and slipping her hands into his.

"Aw, well isn't this cute." Cara says. They turn and spot her leaning against the doorframe. "We're almost there. Thought you should know." She says before leaving.

Cordelia looks at Din, who's looking down at the floor. She cups the sides of his helmet and lifts it so he's facing her.

"We've got each other's backs, remember? Everything's going to be fine." She reassures. He nods, reaching up to cover her hands with his.

"I'll always protect you." He tells her.


Din lowers the ramp, leading the way down on his Bluurg, the Child's pram next to it. Cordelia sits behind him, her arms wrapped around his middle. He keeps one hand on the reins, the other rests over her arms. Kuiil and Cara follow behind, each on their own Bluurg. When they stop, Cordelia leans to the side so she can watch.

"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando, but things have gotten complicated since you were last here." Greef Karga says as he and his hunters move closer. "It appears that introductions are in order. It seems we've both provided a security detail. I recommend the shock trooper guards the ship." He says, pointing to Cara. "These lava fields are lousy with Jawas."

"She's coming with us." Din says.

"But the town is now run by ex-Empire. If a Rebel Dropper is with us, they'll all get their hackles up." Karga argues.

"She's coming." He responds, leaving no room for further arguing.

"Fine." He says. He throws his arms out to the side. "Fine. At least cover your tattoo. No need to flaunt it." Cara looks at her tattoo, but doesn't cover it. "Now, where is the little one? I see the woman is joining us." 

Cordelia glares at the man as Cara and Kuiil look to Din. He presses the button on his vambrace, and the pram moves in front of Karga before opening. Cordelia shifts her gaze to the Child and Din hovers his hand over his blaster.

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