Chapter 6 | From the Desert Comes a Stranger (Part 1)

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Cordelia climbs out of the ship and takes a deep breath, taking in as much air as she can. Din places his hand on her back.

"Are you okay?" He asks. She nods, smiling at him.

"I'm fine. It's just gonna take me a little bit longer to get used to the new ship." She replies. She hears a beep and turns, spotting R2.

"Hello, friend. We're looking for Skywalker." Din tells him. Cordelia chuckles and moves next to R2, wiping away a spot of dirt with her sleeve. He chirps appreciatively and she smiles, patting his head. "We came to see the kid, Grogu." Din adds. R2 beeps and turns, leading them away.

They reach a group of ant droids constructing a hut at the top of a small hill. Cordelia watches them, fascinated. One approaches R2 and they speak briefly.

"Is this where they are?" Din asks. R2 backs up and out of the way before he powers down.

"R2?" Cordelia calls. She steps closer and sighs. Din looks past her and watches as two ant droids begin making something near them.

"Hey, we're looking for Skywalker. He had a kid with him." He says. The droids finish and he looks at what they'd crafted. "Is that a bench?" He asks. He sighs. "How long will we be waiting? Is anyone here? Anyone alive?" Cordelia chuckles and moves to sit on the bench. He follows a moment later, sitting next to her and pulling her into his side.

"I'm sure it won't be too long." She says, leaning her head on his shoulder. Din chuckles as she yawns, standing and nudging her so she lays on the bench. He sits next to the bench and leans against it, sliding his arm under her head for her to use as a pillow. 

"Rest. I'll be here." He tells her. She closes her eyes, turning on her side so her body faces his. 

"Love you." Cordelia mumbles before her breathing evens, and she falls asleep. He smiles at her, brushing her hair away from her face and scooting as close as possible to her.

"Love you too." He replies, leaning his head to rest on the bench next to hers. He stifles a yawn, trying to stay awake, but ends up falling asleep too.


Din wakes to the feeling of someone watching him. He lifts his head and blaster, aiming them in the direction of the person. He spots Ahsoka and lowers his blaster.

"You. I didn't expect to see you here." He says, gently sliding his arm out from under Cordelia, trying not to wake her just yet.

"I'm an old friend of the family." She replies.

"I thought you weren't going to help train Grogu." He tells her.

"I'm not. Master Luke is." Ahsoka says.

"Then what are you doing here?" He asks. Cordelia pinches his arm as she sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her other hand.

"Don't be rude." She scolds. Ahsoka shakes her head, pushing off the tree she was leaning against.

"That's my question for you." She says. Din stands, pulling Cordelia with him, as Ahsoka approaches.

"We're here to see the kid." He tells her. Ahsoka rests her hand on R2.

"That's why R2 brought you to me instead." She says. She laughs as R2 rocks back and forth, beeping.

"What is this place?" Cordelia asks, gesturing towards the building under construction.

"There's nothing now, but will someday be a great school. Grogu will be its first student." She explains. Din wraps his arm around Cordelia's shoulders.

"We'd like to know how he's doing." He says.

"He is doing fine." Ahsoka replies. Din glances at Cordelia.

"We wanna see him." He says. Ahsoka sighs.

"I know you do. Let us take a walk." She says, turning and walking into the forest. Din slides his hand down to take Cordelia's as they follow her. "I warned you when we met that your attachment to Grogu would be difficult to let go of."

"He was a Mandalorian foundling in my care. Cordelia knew him longer than that. We just wanna make sure he's safe." Din says.

"There is no place in the galaxy more safe than here with Luke." She replies. Cordelia glares at her back, knowing that Grogu is safest with herself and Din, his parents.

"I don't understand why you're all right with Skywalker's decision to train the kid when you wouldn't." He tells her. She slows to a stop, exhaling slowly.

"Because it was his choice. I don't control the wants of others." She explains. Cordelia crosses her arms.

"Using that logic, it's our choice to see Grogu." She says.

"Of course. If that is what you wish." Ahsoka says. She turns and looks at something in the distance. Cordelia gasps, spotting Luke and Grogu on a hill in the distance. 

"All right." Din says. He squeezes Cordelia's hand and they start walking towards them.

"Are you doing this for Grogu, or are you doing this for yourself?" She calls, making them stop.

"We just...We wanna give him this." He says, pulling the armor for Grogu off his belt, holding the cloth close to him.

"Why? So he will remember you?" Ahsoka asks. Cordelia fights to hold in her emotions, uncertain if she's more angry or sad, knowing where the conversation will go.

"No. As a Mandalorian foundling, he should have this. It's his right." He replies.

"Foundling. Perhaps he is a Padawan now." She says.

"Well, either way, this armor will protect him." Din explains.

"If you are set on it, then allow me to deliver it." She tells them.

"We came all this way. He's right there." Cordelia says, her voice breaking. Din wraps his arm around her as Ahsoka steps forward to stand next to them.

"Grogu misses you a great deal. If he sees you, it will only make things more difficult for him." Ahsoka explains. Cordelia pulls away from Din and walks into the forest in the direction of the ship as tears stream down her face, knowing she's not strong enough to make the right decision but Din is.


Din returns to the ship and spots Cordelia curled in her seat, staring into the forest as she cries softly. He silently removes his cape and wraps it around her, brushing her hair out of her face as he does. He rests his hand on her back and rests his helmet against the side of her head for a few moments, silently supporting her. 

He moves to his seat and starts the ship, being extra careful to fly smoothly as they leave the planet.

I realized while writing this that I have an assignment due today, so I'll be updating tomorrow instead to make up for missing Wednesday.

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