Chapter 5 | Return of the Mandalorian (Part 2)

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Cordelia and Din make their way through the streets, Din scanning for symbols with his helmet. They reach a door and enter, knowing it'll take them to the Mandalorian covert. 

"Let me go first. If I fall, I don't want to take you with me." He tells her. She sighs but nods. They make their way down the ladder with Din only falling down a couple rungs once. They start down the walkway and spot the Armorer ahead of them.

They walk down the stairs and Cordelia wraps her arm around Din, helping him keep his weight off his injured leg. He groans as they move and once they reach the bottom he collapses with a grunt. Cordelia tries catching him, but his weight pulls her down with him.

"Tend to him." The Armorer orders the other Mandalorian in the room, Paz Vizsla. He grabs a medical kit and approaches.

"I'll do it." Cordelia tells him, holding her hand out for the case. He looks to the Armorer, who nods. He hands the case over to her and backs up a step. 

"I didn't know if I would ever see you again." He says as Cordelia opens the case to grab what she needs.

"Thank you for saving us on Nevarro." Din replies. He shudders in pain as Cordelia peels his pant leg away from the wound. She squeezes his hand in a silent apology. "I am sorry for your sacrifice." He adds.

"There are three of us now." Vizsla says. Cordelia pauses to glare at him. He clears his throat. "Four." He corrects. She nods and goes back to tending to her husband's wound. Din groans as she sprays bacta over it. "We'll put you to work soon enough."

"What weapon caused such a wound?" The Armorer asks. Din unclips the Darksaber from his belt and holds it out.

"This." He tells her.

"Paz Vizsla, bring it to me." She orders. He takes it from Din and looks at it as he walks over to her. She rises as he approaches and takes it from him. "All this talk of the Empire, and they lasted less than 30 years. Mandalorians have existed 10,000." She says before igniting the Darksaber. "What do you know of this blade?" She asks.

"We are told it is the Darksaber." Din says as Cordelia moves to sit next to him. He leans into her side, and she wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"Indeed. Do you understand its significance?" She replies.

"Whoever wields it can lead all of Mandalore." He answers.

"If it is won by Creed in battle. It is said, one warrior will defeat 20 and the multitudes will fall before it. If, however, it is not won in combat and falls into the hands of the undeserving, it will be a curse unto the nation." The Armorer explains then deactivates the weapon. "Mandalore will be laid to waste and its people scattered to the four winds." She says as she walks towards them. Din pulls himself to his feet as she reaches them. Cordelia stands behind him, ready in case his leg gives out again.

"The hilt is of a quality of beskar I have never seen before." Din tells her.

"It was forged over 1,000 years ago by the Mandalore Tarre Vizsla. He was both Mandalorian and and Jedi." She responds.

"We have met Jedi." He says. He keeps quiet about Cordelia being friends with one, unsure how the Armorer will react and unwilling to put her in potential danger or unnecessary conflict. 

"Then you have completed your quest." The Armorer says. She glances at Cordelia and spots the ring on her finger. "And I see you've used my gift." She adds.

"I have." He replies.

"Then you may join our covert as we rebuild." She tells him.

"This is the way." Din says.

"This is the way." Paz responds.

"This is the way." The Armorer finishes. She returns the Darksaber to Din and glances between him and Cordelia. "You two should begin having children as soon as possible." She adds before walking away. Cordelia's eyes widen and Paz chuckles.

"Do we have a room we could use? I'd like to take a better look at this." Din asks him, gesturing to his wound. Paz points them to a room before leaving them alone. 

Din takes Cordelia's hand and drags her to the room. She sits on the bed as he closes the door behind them. He slips off his helmet and joins her as she stares at him. He chuckles and cups her face in his hands.

"Listen to me." He says. He waits for her to blink a few times and snap out of it before continuing. "We don't have to listen to her. We'll have kids whenever we decide we're ready. Well, that is if you want to have children. I would, but I realize we've never talked about-" He rambles. 

"I do wants kids, especially with you." She tells him, cupping his face to stop his rambling. "Just not now. I'm not ready yet." He leans forward and touches his forehead to hers.

"It's okay, Riduur. I love you, and it doesn't matter when we grow our family. We decide when we're ready. No one else." He tells her. She smiles and pulls him into a kiss.

"I love you too, Din." She says, kissing him again. She pulls away and pats his cheek. "Now take your pants off."

"What?" He asks, shocked at her order. She laughs.

"Quit being so dirty-minded. Take them off so I can fix the tear." Cordelia clarifies. He blushes but does as asked, removing his armor and handing her his pants. She smiles at him. "Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are when you blush?" She asks.

"I don't think you have." He says. She shakes her head, disappointed in herself.

"Well, you're gorgeous when you blush. You're handsome any other time, but especially when you-" She says. Din tilts her head and kisses her again to shut her up. He pulls away and lays down, resting his head in her lap. 

Cordelia smiles down at him and runs her fingers through his hair until he falls asleep. She watches him for a few moments, admiring his beauty before she gets to work repairing his pants.

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