Character Bio: (Y/N) Teka (Chapter 0-45)

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Age: 22

Height: 6'

E/C: Hazel (Dark Grey when in "Clear Mind".)

H/C: Black

Gender: Male

Race: Undead

Personality: Kind, timid but knows when to get serious, determined, reserved and secretive.

Likes: His (girl)friends, Alexander, Qrow, Winter, ice cream, books, video games, his weapons and peace and quiet.

Dislikes: Bullies, spicy foods, extremely hot/cold temperatures, loud noises, Arek, Anne, General Ironwood and Team JNPR (Specifically Jaune).

Face and Neck


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Pants and Shoes

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Pants and Shoes

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weapon (Melee): "Subuta Blade Mk

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Weapon (Melee): "Subuta Blade Mk. II"

An upgraded version of the original "Subuta Blade" gunblade designed specifically for (Y/N) that is sharper, lighter and more durable with a revolver grip and trigger

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An upgraded version of the original "Subuta Blade" gunblade designed specifically for (Y/N) that is sharper, lighter and more durable with a revolver grip and trigger. This weapon doesn't have a normal clip, but instead draws its ammo from his very Aura and is made from the same materials as the "Subuta Pistols". In exchange for use of his Aura for the use of its gun barrel, he can power-up his slashes by timing his shots with each hit, causing a small burst of elemental Dust, which has unique properties depending on which type of Dust he is using at the current moment when each shot is landed with a hit. His favorite elements for the gunblade include Fire, Gravity and Earth. The blade is curved and has a serrated edge at the middle of the blade. There is a barrel at the top of the blade that goes to about the middle of it. As such, the shots must be concentrated and must be fired at close-range. He can infuse his Aura into the blade, increasing its sharpness and firepower, but at the cost of draining his energy, Aura and stamina quickly, and overuse can result in death. The blade is slung over his right shoulder in a unique scabbard, designed to match the shape of the "Subuta Blade Mk. II" seamlessly and without any snags, mishaps or misfires


Weapon (Ranged): "Subuta Pistols Mk. II"

A pair of upgraded pistols designed specifically for (Y/N) with a 64 shot magazine for each

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A pair of upgraded pistols designed specifically for (Y/N) with a 64 shot magazine for each. These guns are capable of firing a large range of element-based shots due to the unique properties the pistols possess and are made from Dust Shards that had become stable, allowing each of the properties of the shards used for the pistols' creation to stay without the use or need for Dust-infused bullets and enchantments.  His favorite elements for the twin pistols include Wind, Electricity and Ice. He can alter the power and abilities of the shots he fires by using his Aura as a catalyst  The "Subuta Pistols" have become fully automatic with the new upgrades and with their new designs, "Buster Shot" Mode is no longer available, though the extra magazine size is a huge benefit, plus the recoil from the original semi-automatic pistols is reduced by a large amount.  They are positioned at his waist, just behind his back and are holstered by a unique casing of his own design.


Semblance: "Unloaded -> Clear Mind"

By focusing his mind and using his Aura as a catalyst for his Semblance, (Y/N) can enter an "Unloaded" state of mind, increasing his body's strength, maneuverability and flexibility, gives him near perfect accuracy when using his weapons and allows him to move at extremely high speeds in short bursts. In exchange for this kind of power, he isn't able to defend himself that well and the damage he takes from attacks is greatly amplified. It also drains his stamina and Aura at an extremely fast rate and if he's stressed or his mind is unable to concentrate, the "Unloaded" state deactivates early, leaving him relatively powerless and if it's deactivated by any means, (Y/N) will suffer a massive headache.

During the battle against Ozpin and his crew, Cinder and even Alexander, (Y/N)'s Semblance evolved, becoming the "Clear Mind" state, and amplifies all the attributes of his base Semblance, but also transforms his body and personality slightly, resulting in wavy hair and irises to become a very dark shade of grey and (Y/N) also becomes more serious and ruthless in battle.  The resulting headache after the "Clear Mind" state is so great that he's unable to move and in more extreme cases, causes him to pass out.


(Y/N) Teka is a man thrust into the world of business as the next successor of the Teka Weapons Development Company, or TWDC, in Atlas at the age of ten, but due to his lack of experience, he was deemed unworthy and was never able to inherit any of the money his father left in his will and was exiled by his uncle and mother, who decided to turn the company into a source of destructive weaponry for the Atlesian army.

Eleven years later, he decided to redeem the TWDC's besmirched name.  (Y/N) would try to become a proud Huntsman and departed in a Bullhead, hoping to change the world or end up dead trying.  On the way, the Bullhead he was on was destroyed by Grimm and he ended up at the base of Mount Glenn and eventually made his way to the city of Vale.  Injured greatly, he made his way to the nearest hospital before dying.  A year later, (Y/N) is somehow back in the world of the living and his new story begins...


Bio (Chapter 45):

After saving  Amber, the Fall Maiden and Alexander's daughter from Ozpin, Ironwood and Cinder, meeting the Goddess of Chaos, Atrea and suffering the loss of not only his eye and arm, but also failing to save Beacon Academy and Vale, (Y/N) and crew have set off on a journey towards Vacuo, but change course towards Venix, the City of Lights for not only supplies, but to also have some R&R.

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