Chapter 33 - A New Friend

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge, Alexander POV)

I was surprised that Penny dropped by here, considering that she'd been in Atlas for a good few years, but I'm happy nonetheless.  I look at her and chuckle, a big smile on her face that could affect of even the most vile of Grimm.  I smile at her at rub her head and ruffle her hair.

Alexander: "So, Penny, what brings you to Vale?" I ask as I walk towards the back of my counter and lean on it.

Penny: "You see, I was ordered by General Ironwood to come and..." she says before pausing as I see her frowning and looking away.

Penny: "...arrest you and your allies, Uncle Alexander." she says somberly as my eyes widen in shock as I take a moment to try to process everything that she just said.

Alexander: "I need to know why he wants to arrest us, Penny, because we did NOTHING wrong!" I say as Penny looks at me, a depressed look is written on her face.

Penny: "I was told by General Ironwood that he was assaulted by someone named (Y/N) in Headmaster Ozpin's office today, and that is a big crime, Uncle Alexander." she says as my eyes widen and I sigh.

Alexander: "I want you to follow me downstairs to where (Y/N) is, Penny, and I want you to listen to his side of the story." I say as she nods slowly and I lead her downstairs, a sad look on both of our faces.


(Alexander's Forge - Training Dojo, Penny POV)

I walk downstairs with Uncle Alexander and into what he calls a training dojo, a place to improve a person's combat prowess and I look around, amazed by the advanced technology that he has in here: two target practice machines, various training dummies and a large simulation room!  I then notice Winter Schnee out of the corner of my eye and get excited.

Penny: "Salutations, Winter!" I say with a cheerful tone in my voice as I run up to Winter, who seems surprised by my sudden arrival to Vale.

Winter: "P-Penny, what on Remnant are you doing here?!" Winter asks as my happy demeanor turns into that of a somber one and I frown and look at her.

Penny: "I've come to arrest someone by the name of (Y/N) Teka by the order of General Ironwood, Winter." I say sadly as everyone in the room widens their eyes and I see a young man who fits the description of what my data banks tell me and I walk towards him at a high speed.

Penny: "(Y/N) Teka, you are hereby arrested for two counts of assaulting General Ironwood, one for in an alleyway and one for in Headmaster Ozpin's office, and I ask that you come with me peacefully." I say in a stern tone of voice as Uncle Alexander clears his throat and I look at him, remembering what he told me before.

Penny: "But I'd like to hear your side of this story, (Y/N), as Uncle Alexander has told me to give you a chance to explain what happened." I say as everyone in the room stares at me in shock when I say that Alexander is my uncle. 

Everyone: "U-UNCLE ALEXANDER?!" everyone, bar Uncle Alexander and a small girl with brown, pink and white hair exclaims in shock, including Winter and I giggle while Uncle Alexander chuckles.

Alexander: "It's a long story, and one that I won't explain right now, because I want (Y/N) to explain what happened today to Penny." Uncle Alexander says as he nods at (Y/N) and the young man sighs.

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