Chapter 39 - Legend of the Darkest Day

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Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Beacon Academy - Library, Alexander POV)

Alexander: "I'll tell you everything I know about this story, Ozpin, or should I say..." I say and pause before I shake my head and sigh as we make our way to the library and sit at a table across from each other.

Alexander: "...Ozma." I say coldly as Ozpin widens his eyes as I stare at him, his silence speaking a million words.

Ozpin just stared at me in disbelief, probably not sure on how I know that name, let alone how I know that he IS Ozma.  I can see him shaking slightly as he curls his right hand into a ball and pounds the table.

Ozpin: "How...  How did you..." Ozpin worriedly asks as he just stares at me, the fear and shock in his voice being evident as I just stare back at him, my amber eyes piercing through him like daggers.

Alexander: "Don't act surprised, Oz, I know a LOT about the legend, probably more than you do." I answer as he just looks at me, scared, as if I'm going to tell (Y/N) and the others his secret, which I don't plan on doing...  Not yet, anyway.

Alexander: "As you know, Ozma, the legend of the Darkest Day is divided into three parts:  Light, Darkness and Chaos, with thirteen Warrior Kings being assigned to both Light and Darkness, while Chaos only has one." I say as I start to tell the story.

Alexander: "You have studied under the God of Light, Hikado and were selected as his chosen Supreme Warrior King, the one that has authority over the other twelve Warrior Kings of Hikado, and Salem, who has followed Yamori, the God of Darkness's path, is his chosen Supreme Warrior King, as she was deemed strong enough as to be selected to rule over the other twelve Warrior Kings of Yamori." I explain to him as he nods, knowing the story quite well.

Alexander: "But there's one thing that I know that neither you OR Salem know: the identity of the Warrior King who is said to have strength beyond that of all other Warrior Kings, the Warrior King chosen by the Goddess of Chaos, Atrea." I say as Oz is taken aback, not sure whether to believe me or not, and as I go to explain the next part of the legend, (Y/N) contacts me, saying that Arek found both him AND Neo, and without hesitation or even a "goodbye" to Oz, I get my helmet back on and rush to where (Y/N) is.


(Vytal Festival - Vending Booth, (Y/N) POV)

I had received a few text messages on my Scroll that sent shivers down my spine as I stop dead in my tracks.  Are THEY really here?  I look at Neo who comes over to where I'm standing and she sees the texts that Alex sent me and falls to her knees while holding her head as I call for Glynda and Penny while I give her a hug.

(Y/N): "Oh no, oh no, oh no, this isn't good." I say nervously as I watch Neo burst into tears and cry as she latches onto me, suffering a mental and emotional breakdown and I look at Glynda and Penny with a serious expression on my face.

(Y/N): "You two go on ahead, I'm gonna stay here and try to calm Neo down as best I can, and if you find Jaune or Pyrrha, contact Alex or Raven, okay?" I say and look back at Neo as Penny nods and goes on ahead while Glynda stays behind a bit.

Glynda: "Take care of her, okay, hon?" Glynda says and I nod and give a smile, though it seems sadder than normal and I watch her leave before I once again turn my attention to Neo, who looks up at me, scared.

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