Chapter 1 - Lost and Found

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Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks


(Y/N) Teka is a man with only a few goal in mind: Become a huntsman, reclaim and restore the company that his mother and uncle so callously took away from him and change the world for the better and he was traveling all the way to Vale from Atlas.  But fate is a fickle mistress and near the end of the trip, the Bullhead he was in was destroyed and he ended up at the base of Mount Glenn, heavily injured and bleeding out.  He was lucky enough to avoid the Grimm that plagued the area, making sure to keep his wounds from getting too open and bloody as he wandered down the ruined city, hiding in alleyways and buildings before finally reaching what appeared to be Vale.  By the time he had arrived, it was extremely late and almost all the houses were locked and shops were closed...  Except for one building: a hospital.  Slowly, (Y/N) hobbled and limped over to the hospital known to the public as "The Mask of Vale Hospital" and by the time he arrived...  He had collapsed.  (Y/N) Teka died from his injuries and there was one nurse who took action immediately, bringing the dead man to an Operating Room before putting him on a stretcher.


(The Mask of Vale Hospital - Operating Room, 3RD POV)

??? 1: "Doctor, I have a man here who collapsed in front of the building, I need all medical staff here NOW."

The nurse shouted and not too long after, a middle-aged doctor with black hair, glasses, a somewhat fit build and a stethoscope rushed in, looking at the boy who was on the table, looking distraught.

??? 2: "Calm down, Miss Anne, there seems to be no signs of life in his body anymore, but I think there is a way to save him." the doctor said as he looks at his nurse.

??? 2: "But it's very risky and very immoral, I hope you understand that, if you go along with this, you'll have to stick with me until the procedure is finally done, okay?"

The nurse, whose name is Anne, looks at the doctor closely, not sure whether or not she would or COULD go along with his plan.  She knew exactly what he was talking about, though: A way to bring someone back from the dead by taking ionized Dust Crystals and charging the corpse with them.  One wrong move, however, and everything would get destroyed, resulting in a huge explosion.

Anne: "But, Doctor Arek, if this fails, what will you do?" Anne asks as she looks at the doctor, unsure of what to do.

Anne: "You can't keep running forever, you know and I don't want to lose you or another patient, but..." she says before pausing and taking a deep breath.

Anne: "...I'll stick by you, Doctor, just show me what to do, alright?" she says as she looks at him, her eyes full of resolve

Arek nodded slowly as he and Anne walked out of the OR and gave a glance to the receptionist at the front desk as they nod and turn off the lights for the night, indicating that the hospital is currently closed until further notice.  Soon after the lights went out, the two took an elevator down to the bottom level, revealing a lab that was hidden underneath the eyes and ears of the citizens of Vale, leaving Anne in a state of shock as she hadn't seen this before.


(The Mask of Vale Hospital - Rebirth Lab, 3RD POV)

Doctor Arek: "This is it, Miss Anne, one of the four "Rebirth Labs" of Remnant, found in each of the major cities." Arek motioned with his hands, as if showing off the laboratory.

Doctor Arek: "This is where I can communicate with the other labs and their scientists at any point, and..." Arek said and paused as he looked down.

Doctor Arek: "...this is also where I revived my first patient." he said with almost a somber tone in his voice. 

Doctor Arek: "Her name was Astrid and she was a deer faunus, and you might've seen her before in this building, as she's my personal assistant." he says as Anne listened closely.

Doctor Arek: "Though life for her isn't easy, so she hasn't been here in quite some time." the doctor rambled on as they approached a table surrounded by medical tools and equipment and Anne noticed some boxes by a large machine.

Anne: "Sir, what is that machine?" Anne asked as the doctor turned toward the machine, hitting some buttons.

Anne: "Is it what you'll be using to revive this young man?" Anne asked with a concerned tone in her voice as Arek nodded.

Doctor Arek: "This machine is very delicate and only a select few are able to use it properly, me being one of them.  Now...  Anne." the doctor motioned Anne towards the cables and wires that were connected to the box and as he gave her orders, she made sure not to mess it up.

Anne: "Everything's ready and stable, Doctor.  What's next?" Anne asked, looking at the man as he grabbed two ionized Dust Crystals and sighed.

Doctor Arek: "This is going to be gruesome, but I need help restraining the patient if this procedure works..." he said as he turned towards his assistant.

Doctor Arek: Will you be up to the task, Miss Anne?" Arek asked Anne, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

Anne: "Yes, sir, I will." Anne replied, a small smile forming on the man's face before looking at the corpse of (Y/N).

Doctor Arek: "Get ready, Miss Anne, the procedure starts soon..." he said as Anne nodded.



Coming Next: Chapter 2 - Rebirth

Total Word Count: 930


This is my first attempt at trying something like this.  I was inspired by Flames of Betrayal and so, I'm deciding on making my own story that's similar to that one, while not completely copy-pasting the things that makes Flames of Betrayal so great.  Leave some feedback in the comments below and feel free to contact me whenever on Discord and if you want to help this story and myself, please consider sharing this story with your friends who might be interested in this story of mine.

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