Chapter 3 - Rehabilitation

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Five months later...

(The Mask of Vale Hospital - Rebirth Lab, (Y/N) POV)

It's been about five months since I was first brought back to life thanks to Doctor Arek and Nurse Anne.   Honestly, it's been a rough time getting used to my new body...  At first, I couldn't even walk on my own...  I had to rely on Arek and/or Anne to help me move around the lab.


FLASHBACK: Three months ago

(The Mask of Vale Hospital - Rebirth Lab, (Y/N) POV)

Doctor Arek: "Well, do you think you can finally walk on your own, Mister Teka?" the man asked as I stretched my legs, making sure not to strain them too much, otherwise the stitches might tear.

(Y/N): "I'll try, doc." I replied as he pointed to where Anne was standing and he told me to walk to where she was on my own.  I took a few steps forward, making sure to keep my balance as I got about halfway there before falling flat on my face.

(Y/N): "D-Damn..." I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my face in pain as Doctor Arek helped me up off the floor.

Doctor Arek: "That's the farthest you've gotten on your own, Mister Teka, I'm proud of you, lad." he said to me with a look of pride on his face as I chuckled before Anne helped me up.  

Doctor Arek: "Now then, how about we take a break and get you some food, you must quite hungry." as he said that, my stomach growled and I chuckled as a response.

Anne: "So, (Y/N), do you like it here?" she asked as she cocked her head to the left, a curious tone in her voice as she spoke.  I looked up from the bowl of ramen noodles I was eating, a mouth full of food.

(Y/N): "I like thish plath a lot, Missh Anne." I responded, keeping the food in my mouth as I nearly choked and Anne told me to swallow before speaking.

(Y/N): "I said I like this place a lot, Miss Anne." I said again, this time being much clearer as I look down in embarrassment and shame, my face red from the moment.

(Y/N) "How could I forget to do that simple thing?" I asked myself, still embarrassed as she notices my beet red face.

(Y/N) "I'm such an idiot!" I continued before I was snapped out of my thoughts by Anne patting my back.

(Y/N): "H-Huh?!" I say shocked as I feel my face redden, not used to this feeling still, even though it's been months.

Anne: "Hey, it's okay, we're your friends, (Y/N)." Anne said, reassuring that fact to me as I gave a genuine smile.

Anne: "Heck, we're pretty much like a family at this point, y'know?" she said as I give her a small smile.

Anne: "Ever since you were brought back to life, we've helped you grow and learn and frankly, you've helped us grow and learn a lot more, too." she continued before giving me a warm smile.

Anne: "Now, after your done, I'll help you back to the walking test room, alright?" she said as I nodded in return.

Anne: "Okay.  If you need help around here, don't be afraid to ask Doctor Arek or myself and remember, we're here to help you, (Y/N)." she says as I smile.

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