Chapter 43 - Alexander's Rage

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(Beacon Academy - Vault, Alexander POV)

I don't believe it...  No, I CAN'T believe it...  MY daughter Amber, the Fall Maiden?!  How...  When...  WHY did this happen to her?!  I just don't understand this, but there is one thing that I DO understand... I scream in frustration and throw the "Hades Javelin" at the floor, making it impale into the floor.

Alexander: "I CANNOT AND WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS!" I roar out feel my blood boiling to the absolute limit as I turn to look at Oz, my eyes full of furious anger, hatred and grief and I start to walk towards him.

Alexander: "Oz, there's something I want to tell you: I wanted to leave Beacon BEFORE you replaced me with that fat fuck Port, and I'll tell you why, so you better pay attention." I say with malice as he just stands there like a deer in headlights.

 Alexander: "Three years ago, Amber stopped answering my texts and calls and I was scared out of my wits, because we would talk every day and even when she didn't want to talk much or if she was sick, she'd let me know." I start to explain as I walk towards him.

Alexander: "I wanted to quit Beacon to go look for her, but the day I was going to tell you, you replaced me and in my blind anger, I forgot to ask if you or Glynda or ANYONE else had seen her, and that was the biggest mistake I have ever made..." I explain as I continue to walk forward, everyone staring at me.

Alexander: "But I never, EVER gave up trying to Amber, and I told myself that I would find her, even if I died trying, but now that I've found her, I should be feeling happy, but seeing my baby girl in the situation she's in makes me want to..." I explain further before pausing and turning around to look at Amber again, my hatred igniting my Aura, causing it to flare up around me as I stare back at Ozpin, my tears being swept up by my blazing energy.

Alexander: "...K I L L  Y O U!" I say with a distorted voice, my Aura slowly starts to engulf my body as I hold my head with both of my hands and fall to my knees, screaming in both agony and anger as two pairs of clawed arms made from my Aura emerge from my back, each arm being about as long as my body and as wide as my torso and before long I stand up, widen my eyes and bellow out a loud and distorted roar while looking up, a pillar of fiery energy erupting from my body as my Aura has completely engulfed my body and after a few moments, I look at Ozpin, my eyes completely white before roaring loudly.


((Y/N) POV)

Holy shit...  I knew Alex's temper was wild, but this...  this is just too much.  His power is so overwhelming and the heat of the air is blistering.  I don't think any of us will be able to calm him down, but an idea clicks in my head as I look at Ozpin, Cinder, Pyrrha and Ironwood.

(Y/N): "Listen, I know we're all enemies, but I'm willing to put our differences aside just this ONCE in order to calm Alex down, and I have an idea on how we can do that." I explain as the four people I'm looking at look at each other and after a few seconds, Ironwood looks at me and begrudgingly sighs.

Ironwood: "I don't know about Cinder and Oz, but I'm going to cast our differences out for now as well, so start explaining before we all end up dead." Ironwood says as I notice Ozpin and Pyrrha nodding, but then we look at Cinder, who just stares a hole through me.

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