Chapter 14 - Glynda's Lesson (Part II)

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Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Beacon Academy - Glynda's Classroom, (Y/N) POV)

All of us had arrived in the classroom, which was empty.  I looked around at what would become my future classroom for fighting and sparring lessons and I was happy to be here and I also noticed the smiles on Professor Goodwitch and Team RWBY.  This is it...  This is my first lesson here at Beacon Academy, and I was excited to get started and Professor Goodwitch could sense my determination and excitement.

Glynda: "Okay, (Y/N), let's start, I want you to show me the results of what Alexander taught you, so don't feel nervous and let your skills do the talking for right now." she says with authority as I nod.

Glynda: "Demonstrate all that you've learned from him." she says as she conjures make-shift shooting targets and I nod with a serious expression on my face.

I unsheathe the "Subuta Blade" and when I do, Ruby stares at it with an amazed look on her face as she squeals with excitement, finally getting the chance to see the weapon in action as every member of Team RWBY has to restrain her from running over to me as her legs and arms flail as I look at her, confused.

(Y/N): "Uhh, is she always like this?" I ask as Weiss, Blake and Yang nod slowly and I chuckle as a response.

(Y/N): "Now then..." I say and pause, a cocky smirk visible on my face as all five girls look at me curiously.

(Y/N): "...time to show off a bit!" I say as I slash upwards at the air in front of me, causing a gust of wind to follow as Ruby and the others stare in awe at my strength, which surprised them greatly.

I continue my slashes, slicing the air around me in all directions before I jump up and prepare to do an air combo, cutting the air around me in a wide circle before firing a shot from the "Subuta Blade" doing a backflip and landing on my feet, spinning the gunblade and sheathing it quickly.  I then pull out the "Subuta Pistols" and shoot at the targets Professor Goodwitch made, landing each shot after quickly aiming at them and when I run out of ammo for both pistols, I blow smoke off of the barrels before spinning the pistols and holstering them.  After that, I look at all of them before chuckling and smiling with my eyes closed while rubbing the back of my head.


(Ruby POV)

Ruby: "D-Did he not miss a single shot?!" I ask myself in my thoughts as my silver eyes widened with awe.

Ruby: "I've never seen a gunslinger with THOSE kinds of reflexes before, he's incredible and his training with Alex definitely helped!" I think to myself as I stare at his weapons.

Ruby: "I wonder if he'll let me try using his weapons at some point in the future?" I think to myself as I giggle in excitement.

Ruby: "And, I have to admit, Yang was right, he IS cute." I think to myself and blushed while my silver eyes studied the weapons (Y/N) used in that demonstration.


(Weiss POV)

Weiss: "What an incredible amount of skill he just displayed!" I think to myself as my jaw hit the floor.

Weiss: "He may not have the attitude of a Teka, but he's certainly got the innate skill of one, and Alex only helped hone his skills even further." I continue my train of thought as I feel my face heating up.

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