Chapter 30 - Bad Luck, Glyphs and Illusions (Part I)

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge - Simulation Room, (Y/N) POV)

Neo, Emerald and I had just entered the Simulation Room in the dojo and both of them shared a smile with me and I smiled back.  All three of us look at Alex and the others, who are in a nearby room so they can watch and keep track of our auras.  As per usual, Alex is keeping track of my Aura and Glynda's keeping track of Neo and Emerald's Auras.  Just before we entered, Alex explained the tournament-style rules to Emerald and she understood.  As I take out the "Subuta Blade Mk. II" from its sheathe, Neo got her weapon, "Hush", ready and Emerald drew her weapons, "Thief's Respite", and all three of us prepare for battle.

Alexander: "Alright, I'm choosing the arena you three will be fighting in this time..." he says and pauses before hitting a button and all of us look at the battlefield, which is a crystal cave.



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Alexander: "...this cave." he finishes as Neo and Emerald stand on the right half of the arena, with Emerald right behind Neo at a distance while I stand on the left side of the arena.

Alexander: "Just remember the rules, have fun and fight as best as you can." Alex says as all three of us nod in unison, earning a chuckle from him.

Alexander: "Now, whenever you three are ready..." he says before pausing as all three of us take a stance, staring at the two girls, my eyes showing a level of seriousness as Neo and Emerald stare back at me.

Alexander: "...BEGIN!" he shouts as I run towards Emerald and go to slash her, my speed becoming faster than when I fought Weiss and Yang.

Neo notices this immediately and intercepts me, using her parasol to reflect my attack as I jump backwards and look at her before landing on my feet and look closely at her.  Neo doesn't waste any time to go on the offensive as she lunges the blade of "Hush" towards me repeatedly and I backpedal, evading each stab and not long after her assault started, I have my back to a crystal in the cave and I look behind me to see it.  As Neo goes for another stab I duck underneath it and slash upwards and she suddenly shatters like glass.  I remember that this is her Semblance and I see Emerald get ready to shoot at me.  I quickly jump behind the crystal for cover and I look around at the surroundings, noticing how each crystal has a brilliant radiance to each of them and an idea pops in my head as I switch the Dust setting on my blade to "Lightning".  Soon after, I see Neo attacking from above and when I go to shoot at her with the gun part of my weapon, I notice her figure becoming a bit artificial and realize that this is an illusion.  I scramble from my cover and shoot one of the crystals on the roof, the Lightning properties of the bullet creating a huge flash of light as I shield my eyes with my sleeve.

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