Chapter 29 - Plan of Attack (Part III)

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(Credit to Adiac for the diagram of Beacon Academy used in the picture above)

Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge - Training Dojo, Alexander POV)

It was about 10 AM when I woke up and I was getting ready to start the day, but I notice that everyone bar, (Y/N), Qrow, Weiss and Winter, was gone, probably at Beacon right now.  This day is crucial, because when the Vytal Festival starts, there's a high chance that we won't be able to recruit anymore allies.  I sigh and walk up to (Y/N), who seems to have woken up before me and pat his shoulder, noticing a sad look on his face.

(Y/N): "Oh, hey Alex." he says as he looks at me, somewhat sleepily as I notice the tired look on his face.

(Y/N): "I-I couldn't sleep all that well, but I'll be fine." he says with a saddened tone before looking away.

(Y/N): "It's just..." he says before pausing as he looks down, tears forming in his eyes as if he's scared of something.

(Y/N): "...I never expected to be considered an enemy to not only Atlas, but to Beacon as well." he starts to cry, sobbing in between his words.

(Y/N): "W-What d-d-did I do wrong, A-Alex?" he asks, tears streaming down his cheeks as I pat his shoulder lightly.

Alexander: "You didn't do anything wrong, (Y/N), you're standing up for what you believe in and we need all the help we can get to take down Cinder." I say, comforting him as I pat him on the back.

Alexander: "Fuck whatever Oz and Ironwood say about us, they're just going to get Beacon into even more shit." I say, groaning in annoyance.

Alexander: "Whether it be Ozpin's fetish for keeping secrets from people or Ironwood's idiocy for bring MECHANICAL soldiers over here when he KNOWS a killer computer virus is in the CCTS." I say with venomous hate my voice.

Alexander: "They're just as stupid as I remember." I say as (Y/N) chuckles at my comment and I soon chuckle afterwards.

Alexander: "You're one tough guy, (Y/N)." I say with a sincere tone in my voice as he looks shocked, as if he didn't expect me to say that.

Alexander: "You're stronger than you think, so don't be afraid to fight with your Semblance, okay?" I say as he nods, smiling at me and I smile back at him.  Soon enough Qrow, Winter and Weiss approach us.

Alexander: "Good morning, you three." I say as the three of them yawn as a response, causing me to chuckle.

Alexander: "Now then..." I say, pausing before looking at Qrow who holds his flask before taking a swig of it.

Alexander: "...once you have your morning whiskey, I'll need you to fly over to Beacon and scout out for anything we can use as information." I say and he nods before leaving and I then look at Weiss.

Alexander: "If you don't mind, I'll need a favor from you, Weiss." I say as she tilts her head, confused.

Alexander: "Let me see "Myrtenaster" really quick." I say as she looks hesitant at first, but then realizes why I want it and hands it to me.

Alexander: "Thank you, Weiss, this will only take about a half hour or so." I say as she nods and I turn my attention to her sister.

Alexander: "Winter, if you want, I can also upgrade your weapons as well." I say as she shakes her head.

Alexander: "Alright, just let me know if you change your mind." I say and she nods and I finally look at (Y/N).

Alexander: "If you want, I can improve your "Subuta Pistols", (Y/N)." I say and he nods quickly, earning a chuckle from both Winter and I.

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