Chapter 42 - Cause and Effect

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Normal Font: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Outside Beacon Academy - Ruined Festival Grounds, Nishi POV)

I just look on at the four ladies trying to "fight" me for about fifteen minutes with my arms crossed, not moving an inch as my "Serpentine Chains" just deflect the attacks the girls are trying to hit me with on their own, as if they were alive.

Nishi: "You know, it's funny, I'm left wanting more of a challenge from you lot, considering your backgrounds and the like, but then again, such simple prey can't hope to best me with such futile efforts." I say in a cold, mocking tone which infuriates Winter and she rushes towards me, and I yawn, sending the chains after her, but when they come in contact with her, she shatters and my eyes widen, realizing it's an illusion.

Winter: "I've got you!" Winter shouts as I feel something pierce my chest and I look down to see that Winter managed to nearly stab me through the heart as my eyes widen and she kicks off of me and lands about a foot behind me, just next to Anne.

Nishi: "Y-You Schnee b-bitch, I-I'll get you back for that!" I roar out as I send the chains after Winter and as they chase her, my concentration breaks when I cough up blood, causing the chains to stop pursuing her and she goes for another attack.

Nishi: "Don't think I'll fall for the same trick TWICE, you skank!" I shout as chains erupt from the ground beneath her feet and ensnare her limbs and slamming her to the floor as her weapon flies out of her hand and it lands by my feet

Nishi: "I'm a VERY busy man, and I've wasted FAR too much of MY valuable time dealing you insects, so..." I say and pause before picking up the weapon lying at my feet and crush it with the "Serpentine Chains", noticing the look of despair on not only Winter's face, but everyone else's faces as the chains constrict tighter around Winter's limbs and lift her up.

Nishi: "...I'm going to end this little game of ours and grant you lot a fate worse than death itself!" I say as I watch Winter's face contort in agony as I hear the sweet sound of her bones cracking and breaking and my smile grows and grows wider, when all of a sudden, a gunshot flashes past my head and snaps the chains surrounding Winter's left arm, which breaks my focus and makes her fall.

???: "Sorry, but we won't allow to you kill Weiss's sister, Nishi Orien!" the voice of a girl shouts out as all of us look in the direction the voice came from, revealing the four girls Cinder and Salem told me about: Team RWBY, but more importantly, the girl with the silver eyes, Ruby Rose, who I was asked by Salem to either capture her eyes OR Ruby herself.

Ruby: "Emerald, Neo, get Penny and Winter out of here, we'll handle Nishi now!" the girl says as she and the rest of her teammates surround me as I start to form a sinister smirk on my face and I nudge Anne, giving her a signal to evacuate the area and she does as I stare down the girl dressed in red.

Nishi: "So you're Ruby Rose, the girl with the silver eyes I've heard so much about, and I have to say..." I say and pause as inspect the weapons, forms and fighting style that the four students have, my smirk not leaving and I finally put my sights on Ruby again.

Nishi: "...Summer would be SO disappointed in you, little Rose." I say with a venomous and menacing tone in my voice before chuckling darkly, which unnerves all four girls, but the most terrified is Ruby and the blonde one stands in front of her, defending her.

Yang: "You keep her name out of your mouth, you creepy bastard!" the blonde girl says as I notice her Aura flare up, laughing before calming myself down, which only angers her more, much to my enjoyment.

Remnant's Darkest Day Volume I: A Soul RebornNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ