Chapter 34 - Setting Up

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(Credit to Penguin Edits for the Vytal Festival (Beacon/Vale) logo)

Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge - Training Dojo, (Y/N) POV)

(Y/N): "Alright, everyone, this is it, the final day before the Vytal Festival and the assault on Beacon Academy and we have to plan everything out." I say as everyone nods with a serious expression on their faces.

(Y/N): "Now let's get started..." I say before pausing as we all sit or stand in a circle as I lay a picture of the Vytal Festival Grounds on a table.

(Y/N): "The thing about this picture, is that everything is set up on the grounds of Beacon Academy, so everyone will be here and that includes Cinder, Mercury and Ironwood, so we have to make sure that we be as stealthy as possible with our plan and we have to make NO mistakes." I say as everyone nods and I sigh.

Alexander: "Now, since this place is gonna be packed to the brim with people, I have a feeling that all of us can be at the festival, though I'm sure Oz, Cinder, Mercury and Ironwood aren't gonna be happy to see me, so I'll have to disguise myself, somehow." he says, slightly annoyed as Ruby raises her hand and we all look at her.

Ruby: "I have an idea, how about you wear one of your suits of armor to hide your face and body, Alex?!" Ruby asks as Alex places his hand on his chin, thinking about it deeply before sighing and looking at Ruby.

Alexander: "That might work, but I'd rather go with something simpler and the reason being that I'd like to wear my armors during battles and not casually, but it was a good idea, Ruby, so don't be upset, okay?" Alexander says as Ruby nods and puts her hand down and Winter raises her hand and Alex nods, as if allowing her to speak.

Winter: "We could disguise you as an Atlesian specialist, Alex and you can pretend to be here as security, Ironwood wouldn't expect it at all." she says as he grumbles, irritated as he knows that it might work, but before he says his answer, he looks at Penny.

Alexander: "You're not recording this, are you?" he asks coldly as Penny shakes her head and for some reason, it was like Alex was waiting for something to happen and then he smiled and nodded.

(Y/N): "Why are you smiling all of a sudden, Alex, did something happen?" I ask as I look at him, wondering what's going on.

Alexander: "It's more like something DIDN'T happen, (Y/N)." he says as I tilt my head in confusion and he notices the look on my face and just chuckles.

Alexander: "You see, her father and I designed Penny to have a built-in quirk that happens when she tells a lie, which is a hiccup." he says as the rest of us widen our eyes and realize that she never hiccuped.

Alexander: "Now, as for your idea, Winter, as much as it pains me to say this, I have to say, it's a good idea, but I'd need not only an outfit that's my size, but I'd need something to hide my face from Ironwood." he explains as Winter nods.

Winter: "Let me handle that, Alex, I'm sure I can find something your size within a day." Winter says reassuringly as Alex nods and sighs before looking at me.

Alexander: "So, what's the plan, (Y/N), do you have any ideas?" Alex asks as I nod, a serious expression written on my face as I sigh and take a deep breath.

(Y/N): "Alright, so we need to split up into groups to have lots of ground covered while also keeping inconspicuous and we have to make sure our groups make logical sense." I say as I look at the group and they all nod.

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