Chapter 13 - Glynda's Lesson (Part I)

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

Ten minutes after Ozpin's call with Nurse Anne...

(Beacon Academy - Infirmary, Ozpin POV)

Doctor Arek and Nurse Anne had finally arrived as all six of us noticed them step into the infirmary, the former carrying a bag which I can only assume is full of medical supplies and the latter looking at (Y/N) in shock at the deep injury that the boy received during his battle against the Nevermore.

Ozpin: "It's good to see you Doctor Idel and Nurse Ferza, if there's anything we can do to assist in this situation, all you need to do is ask." I say as the both of them nod as Doctor Idel opens his bag to reveal something that only I and the two medical experts have ever seen used as a tool of surgery or medicine: an ionized Dust Crystal.

Glynda: "Why did you bring a Dust Crystal, Doctor Idel, and more importantly, what are you going to use it for?" she asks as her expression changes to that of concern and distrust for the two. 

Glynda: "(Y/N) has been through enough already, and if you try anything funny, I'll-" she says before getting interrupted by (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Professor Goodwitch, it's okay, they've done this before, after all, this IS how they brought me back to life all that time ago." he says as Glynda and Team RWBY feel their jaws hit the floor and even I must admit, I was taken aback by this revelation.  They used this kind of Dust Crystal before to bring him back?  It was a surprise to say the least.

Arek: "It's true, Goodwitch, we brought (Y/N) back to life via the use of ionized Dust Crystals, but sadly, his old body was nowhere near compatible with the charges that they provided, so we had to resort to more drastic measures." he says as I notice a look of extreme anger on Glynda's face and even I felt anger at this.  They tore his body apart and replaced it with the body parts of others...  Just to bring him back to life?

Glynda: "SO YOU TORE HIS BODY APART AND LEFT THOSE SCARS, THOSE WOUNDS, MAKING HIM FEEL LIKE OTHER STUDENTS WON'T LIKE HIM, AREK, AND HE'S SCARED TO REVEAL HIS BODY TO HIS FRIENDS OUT OF FEAR OF DRIVING THEM AWAY!" she shouts as the rest of us look at Glynda with a look of shock as she starts crying and breathing heavily.

Ruby looked extremely scared, tears forming in her silver eyes.  Weiss' eyes are widened as she looks on in fear and respect for her actions.  Blake just stared at her teacher, surprised at her outburst.  Yang looked stunned as she clenched her fists and started to stare at the ground.  Nurse Anne looked down at the floor in shame, sobbing quietly.  Doctor Idel just looked at Glynda, seemingly not fazed by her sudden outburst.  But (Y/N)...  (Y/N) was happy.  He was happy at the fact that she didn't see him as a freak or as a monster, happy that she saw him as a human, despite everything that happened to him, and happy that so many people cared enough about him to be friends with him.  He was just happy, but after her rant, Arek just sighed.

Arek: "I know, Glynda, I know what we did was wrong, but..." he says and pauses, looking unfazed, though a bit he sounded a bit guilty.

Arek: "...(Y/N) told Miss Anne and I that he wanted to be a Hunstman, regardless of what may or may not happen." he says before looking at Glynda.

Arek: "He wants to change the world, Glynda, and who am I to stand in the way of this young man's dreams, after he died due to unfortunate events.  He deserves this much, especially after we gave him a second chance at life." he said as he looked at the ground, then back to (Y/N).

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