Chapter 2 - Rebirth

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(The Mask of Vale Hospital - Rebirth Lab, 3RD POV)

Doctor Arek and Nurse Anne were both ready to go with the revival process on (Y/N) Teka, a man that had died not one hour ago down in the "Rebirth Lab" situated in Vale underneath the hospital known to the public as "The Masked Mistral Hospital" due to most of the staff wearing masks.

Doctor Arek: "This is it, Miss Anne, if this works, this young lad will come back to the world of the living." Arek said with a determined, yet somber tone, being nervous about failing the patient and risking destroying one of the four Rebirth Labs of Remnant.

Anne: "Are you sure that this is a good idea, doctor, we don't know how this boy's body will react to the Dust and it might take a long time before we're done..." Anne remarked, concerned about this whole experiment and afraid of what it might take to revive this person.

Doctor Arek: "It's worth the risk, and if this process is successful, we can eventually use the info we gather from this and we can use it to help the people of Remnant when they need it." Arek exclaimed as he smiles proudly.

Doctor Arek: "We could be heroes, Miss Anne, trust me." Arek looked at his assistant as she hesitantly nodded at him, giving her approval.

Doctor Arek: "Now then, Miss Anne, please give me two ionized Dust Crystals, and don't worry, any variant will do, just make sure that they're ionized and stable, as any other kind would be catastrophic." the good doctor said as Anne handed him two medium-sized ionized Lightning Dust Crystals.

"Alright, let's get to work, Miss Anne." Arek spoke as he held the Dust Crystals over each of (Y/N)'s arms before stabbing them into his forearms, causing the corpse to twitch and convulse as nothing seems to be working outside of those involuntary movements.

Anne: "Nothing happened...  What should we do now?" the nurse asked as Arek sighed and revealed a giant saw and a box full of body parts and organs that patients willingly donated to the project of the Rebirth Lab, making the nurse almost vomit out of shock and disgust.

Doctor Arek: "Don't worry, the things that are in this box were willingly given to me for the furthering of Vale's Rebirth Lab..." the doctor said as a small, yet malicious smirk on his face.

Doctor Arek: "Now then..." the doctor began to hack off both of (Y/N) arms, making the nurse flinch and cringe as blood splattered on the saw, floor and the clothes of both Arek and Anne.

After a few minutes, the arms are completely severed from (Y/N)'s body and Arek reaches into the box of body parts and pulls out two arms, as he motions Anne to grab some stitches from the medicinal cabinet close by.

Doctor Arek: "Well Miss Anne, I guess I could now is a good time to show you my Semblance." the doctor says with a bit of pride in his voice as Anne finishes stitching the new arms onto (Y/N).

Doctor Arek: "This is what I like to call "Mending Touch." Arek says as his hands glow a light green as he touches (Y/N)'s corpse, the stitches becoming tighter and more resistant to most things, making sure the limbs don't fall off.

Anne looks on in amazement, clapping her hands lightly as Arek chuckles before clearing his throat, gathering Anne's attention as she also cleared her throat, not wanting to get distracted by the Semblance of the man she looks up to.

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