Chapter 25 - Countdown

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge - Training Dojo, Yang POV)

Yang: "Well, what do you think we should now, guys, got an ideas?" I ask the group, turning my head towards them as everyone starts to think to themselves as we try to come up with an idea on what to do next, after all, (Y/N) had just finished his training with me and the rest of Team RWBY.  We then hear an alarm going off on Alex's Scroll, and he looks at it and what he sees him causes to sigh, annoyed.

Alexander: "Well, Oz wants us all back at his office, pronto, seems like he wants to talk to us, so we'll have to wake up (Y/N) and head back to Beacon..." Alex says before pausing and putting his Scroll away.

Alexander: "...and I think I know what he wants to talk about." he says before grabbing his weapon and placing it over his shoulder.  We all look at him confused as (Y/N) wakes up and yawns, looking at Alex.

(Y/N): "What's going on?" he says as he stretches and gets off the bed before walking towards us, noticing the aggravated look on Alex's face.

(Y/N): "Is this about Professor Ozpin, Alex?" he solemnly asks as Alex nods while growling and sheathing his giant greatsword over his shoulder, motioning us to follow him out of the store.


(Streets of Vale, Alexander POV)

I look up and notice that there's more Bullheads flying over us, causing me to groan in annoyance as everyone else looks shocked at what's going on.  I sigh and motion them to keep following me, ignoring the fleet of airships approaching Beacon.  Soon enough, Glynda walks up to me, standing to my left as we continue moving.

Glynda: "Alex, what's going on?" she asks as I stop in my tracks, sighing and everyone stops as well.

Glynda: "Do you know why this happening?" I nod as a response as I turn around, varying expressions being seen on each of the faces of (Y/N), Team RWBY and Neo.  (Y/N) looks concerned, Team RWBY looks shocked and Neo looks terrified.

Alexander: "Ironwood's here, Glynda..." I say before pausing, sounding annoyed as I look back up at the large amount of Bullheads flying overhead.

Alexander: "...and the fucker brought an entire army to Vale, probably because of the Vytal Festival coming up soon, and I guess he calls this shit "security" or something." I growl lowly as I say the last sentence.

Alexander: "And if you ask me, this is just askin' for trouble." I mumble as we walk towards Beacon.

Ruby: "What do you mean, why would General Ironwood do this out of nowhere?" Ruby asks as she walks next to Weiss and Neo.

Ruby: "Does he not have faith in us to keep things safe for Beacon or Vale?" she asks as I stop and turn around to face her, a depressed expression being visible on my face as I sigh.

Alexander: "That's not the reason, Ruby, it's probably because you six will probably be fighting in the tournament, at least, that's what I think, anyway." I say before stopping in my tracks as I feel an idea clicking in my head.

Alexander: "Everyone, when we get back to Beacon, we'll need to meet with each other somewhere, I have an idea, but I don't want Ironwood or even Ozpin learning about this." I whisper loudly as everyone looks at me, shocked as Glynda pats my shoulder.

Glynda: "A-Are you sure, Alex, it could be risky leaving those two out of the loop of whatever you're planning, Alex." she whispers as I look at her, nodding subtly as we continue down the street.

Remnant's Darkest Day Volume I: A Soul RebornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora