Chapter 28 - Plan of Attack (Part II)

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(Credit to Adiac for the diagram of Beacon Academy used in the picture above)

Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Beacon Academy - Library, Winter POV)

Alexander: "You're not talking about Ironw-" he stops before his eyes widen, realizing who I REALLY meant.

Alexander: "Jacques." he says coldly as I nod and Weiss' eyes widen in shock as (Y/N) looks on in confusion.

Alexander: "Jacques Schnee, that motherfucker, that cold-hearted motherfucker!" he says in quiet rage as Weiss shakes in fear and I look terrified.

Alexander:"He's using his own family like tools!" he quietly shouts as (Y/N) pats his back, calming him down some.

Alexander: "Thank you, (Y/N)." he says, composing himself as he offers me his hand, as if inviting me to join their group.

Alexander: "You can defy your father along with your sister, if you so choose, and all you have to do is listen to (Y/N), Glynda and I and we'll take down Cinder together." he says as I look at him hesitantly.

I was looking at Alexander, wondering why he'd want ME of all people to join him and (Y/N).  Is it because of my status as General Ironwood's subordinate?  Or is it because of my sister?  I look at Weiss, her eyes full of determination and I widen my eyes, feeling her resolve.  I close my eyes and sigh and grab Alexander's hand, shaking it.

Winter: "I'm in, because my father is a monster, using my mother just to get his hands on the fortune and name that we Schnees possess, and I can tell General Ironwood is hiding something from not only me, but from all of you as well, and besides..." I pause and look at (Y/N), who looks back at me, his hazel eyes radiating the same feeling as when I looked at my sister.

Winter: "...this young man looks like he wants to change the world of Remnant in his own way." I say as he smiles and Alexander looks at me after I make my analysis on (Y/N) and pats my shoulder.

Alexander: "Welcome aboard, Ice Queen." he says with a warm smile, but I blush out of anger and embarrassment and I sigh soon after, regaining my composure.

Alexander: "Alright, let's head back to our Base of Operations." he says sternly as I nod and we walk out of the library.

Alexander: "(Y/N) and I will introduce the rest of the crew to you when we arrive, alright?" he says as we keep walking.


(Beacon Academy - Hallway, Winter POV)

I was walking down to wherever it was that my new group of allies would meet from time to time when we all saw him: General James Ironwood.  He was standing next to what I assumed to be Team RWBY's dorm room.  We all stop dead in our tracks and I salute him as I subtly look at the expressions of everyone else.  Qrow looked bored, Alexander looked angry and my sister and (Y/N) looked nervous.

Ironwood: "Winter, there you are, wh-..." General Ironwood says before noticing Alexander's angry scowl and paused, causing the rest of our group to look on in shock.

Ironwood: "...Alexander Izald, what are YOU doing here?" he asked coldly as Alexander's angered expression only grew more annoyed at him.

Ironwood: "I thought you di-!" he started to say before Alexander finally snapped and grabbed General Ironwood by his shirt collar.

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