Chapter 41 - The Beginning of the End

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Normal Font: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Outside Beacon Academy - (Y/N) POV)

The booming sounds of various explosions immediately woke me up and I screamed, which Glynda responds by hugging me while I hyperventilate, terrified of what's happening, especially since I just got woken up by a thunderous series of explosions.

(Y/N): "W-W-What's happening, Glynda, what's going on?!" I ask Glynda, scared out of mind as I look at her, my eyes full of panic and fear as I continue to hyperventilate and she starts to hug me tighter.

Glynda: "L-Let's just hurry to the infirmary, okay?" she replies as I nod slowly and try my best to calm myself down, and just as we're about to enter the Academy, we hear footsteps running towards us, and when we look back to see who it is, we see Alex, clad in what I assume could only be his "Grimmblood Armor", approach us before stopping and taking off his helmet.

Alexander: "Are you two alright, any injuries?" Alex asks as I direct my head towards where Volet shot me, my right lung and Alex widens his eyes before pulling out a small bag of ionized Dust Crystals that was attached to his hip and hands it to me as I take a pair of crystals and stab myself near the area in which I was shot, groaning in pain as I feel the wound close up and my breathing becoming much clearer, and after healing myself, I place the small bag in my pocket.

Alexander: "Glad to see that your body is acclimated to the pain, even if it is just a little bit, but I need to get back to the area where the Vytal Festival was held and see if I can find and escort any other survivors to a safer place." Alex says before turning around and walking towards the Vytal Festival Grounds, though before he could get too far, Glynda calls out to him and he runs back towards us.

Glynda: "Alex, there's something you need to know about the Fall Maiden..." Glynda says as Alex's eyes widen and I just look at her, confused as I'm left wondering who or what this "Fall Maiden" is, and Alex notices my puzzled expression and sighs before walking up to me and he places his hand on my right shoulder.

Alexander: "I have a question for you, (Y/N): what's your favorite fairy tale?" he asks as I start to think about what fairy tales my father has told me in the past and I remember one that he would tell me almost every night to get me to sleep: the Four Maidens.

(Y/N): "The Four Maidens is the one that dad would tell me often, but I only thought that they were just that: a tale." I say as both Glynda and Alex look at each other, unsure about something before Glynda looks back at me.

Glynda: "They're real, (Y/N), the Four Maidens are real, and the Fall Maiden is in the Vault of Beacon Academy at the bottom-most floor." Glynda says as both Alex and I look at her in shock, which surprises me, considering Alex seems so well-versed about stuff like this.

Alexander: "Why did you never tell me this, Glynda?" Alex asks as Glynda rubs the back of her head and sighs before looking at the entrance to Beacon Academy, as if giving us a signal to follow her inside.

Glynda: "I'll explain everything on the way, but right now, we need to make sure that she's safe." she answers as both Alex and I nod, following her inside the Academy and not too long after we get in, a piece of fiery debris blocks the entrance, trapping us inside.


(Outside Beacon Academy - Ruined Festival Grounds, Neo POV)

I was with Emerald, Penny and Winter when the explosions were set off, and there were still no signs of Team RWBY, which worried me, considering that we have no idea where they went before the explosions happened.  I push those thoughts to the side, however and help Emerald get people to safety while Penny and Winter take care of any Grimm and rogue Atlesian mechanical soldiers surrounding us and the people we're trying to help, and while we're getting the last few survivors we could find, I hear a pair of familiar voices that send shivers down my spine.

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