Chapter 17 - (Y/N) vs Team CRDL

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Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
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(Beacon Academy - Glynda's Classroom, 3RD POV)

Glynda: "Five..."

(Y/N) stares at Team CRDL as she counts down from five, a smug smirk being visible on his face.

Glynda: "Four..."

Cardin stares back at (Y/N), bearing his teeth and growling loudly as the rest of Team CRDL looks just as angry all of them four draw their weapons and the other three members look at (Y/N), and despite their angry looks, inside they're terrified, knowing that this fight is probably a lost cause for the four of them.

Glynda: "Three..."

Team RWBY watches closely and Blake studies (Y/N) closely, making sure not to miss a single moment of the upcoming fight, hoping that (Y/N) wins against the four bullies who have been terrorizing the students for almost a month.

Glynda: "Two..."

Team JNPR also begins to study (Y/N) as the countdown slowly approaches its end and just below them is a rabbit Faunus, who begins watching (Y/N), inspired by his bravery and attitude towards the bullies.

Glynda: "One..."

Both (Y/N) and Team CRDL prepare to charge each other as it feels like time has slowed down to a crawl, neither side moving a single muscle as sweat rolls down the side of Cardin's head as he continues to stare at his opponent.

Glynda: "BEGIN!" Glynda shouts as (Y/N) and Cardin let out a loud battle cry and charge towards each other.


((Y/N) POV)

I charge at Team CRDL as Sky and Russel approach me from either side, attempting a pincer attack.  As a response, I jump over their heads and spin my body, using my "Subuta Blade" to slash their backs as the both fall over on their face.  Dove rushes from behind me and attacks, but I dodge underneath his attack and slash upwards while twisting my body and hitting his chest at an upward angle, causing him to launch into the air.  Soon after, I sheathe my blade and remove the "Subuta Pistols" from their holsters and jump high, just above Dove as he looks on in shock at my athleticism and charge the pistols with my Aura, as I fire two Lightning-based shots from them, causing Dove to quickly hit the ground as everyone stares at me in awe.


(Glynda POV)

I was stunned and absolutely amazed!  He's this naturally gifted and his training with Alex only honed his skills.  But what surprised me the most is that he hasn't used his Semblance yet...  Are the skills of Team CRDL just that poor that he doesn't see the need of going all out?  I'm feeling bittersweet about this...  On one hand, I'm ecstatic that (Y/N) is making quick work out of these four delinquents, but on the other, I feel as though I failed to teach those four anything of worth.  Well...  They barely pay attention in ANY class at all, so I can't blame myself entirely...

Glynda: "You can easily win this, (Y/N), I believe in you, dear." I think to myself as I just look up at him, feeling a sense of pride at my student.


((Y/N) POV)

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