Chapter 16 - A Chance Encounter

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Beacon Academy - Glynda's Room, (Y/N) POV)

It was the morning after my date with Glynda and I was still in her bed, cuddling her as I woke and look at the time and my eyes when I see it...  It was 7 AM!  I gently shake her awake and she looks at me tiredly as she rubs her eyes and yawns cutely.

Glynda: "Good morning, (Y/N), what time is it?" she asks as I let her look at the clock and her jaw hits the floor.

Glynda: "Oh no, oh no, oh no, we only have two hours before classes start!" she says as I nod and get dressed in the same place I changed clothes last night.

We both finish getting ready and I open the door to her room and look down the hallway, checking both sides as I give her a thumbs up, as if saying the coast is clear and we both walk out, but to make sure I don't draw any suspicion towards me, I sneak back into Team RWBY's dorm and act as though I woke up and prepared myself for the day, changing into my new student uniform, though the sleeves were longer and the collar of the uniform goes higher than usual, as to hide my scars from the rest of the school.


(Beacon Academy - Team RWBY's Room, Ruby POV)

I wake up and yawn to the sounds of birds chirping and...  running water?  I tilt my head and jump down from my bed and head towards the sink in our bathroom and see (Y/N) brushing his teeth.  I sneak up to him and tap his shoulder, causing him to jump.  He holds his chest and looks at me as if I was insane.

(Y/N): "D-Don't do that, Ruby, you scared me half to death!" he whisper shouts at me as I look at him, confused as to wonder why he's up so early.  I guess he really doesn't want to miss any classes, considering he joined during the middle of the semester.

Ruby: "Sorry!  But usually we wake up at around 8 AM, though I guess you have a different sleep schedule than us, right?" I whisper as he nods as he cleans his toothbrush and turns the water off.

(Y/N): "I didn't mean to disturb your sleep Ruby, I'm sorry." he whispers as he looks a bit upset, sighing.

(Y/N): "Anyway, I'll have to meet up with you and the rest of your team in a bit, as I'm running low on ammunition for the "Subuta Pistols", so I'm gonna go down to Alex's shop.  I'll see you guys in about an hour, okay?" he whispers as I nod as a response.

(Y/N): "Thanks, see you later, Rosy." he whispers and walks out of our room as I blush at the little nickname he gave me.


(Beacon Academy - Hallway, (Y/N) POV)

I walk down the hall and sigh as I really AM low on ammunition.  I do have to thank Alex again for helping me last night, he was a real life-saver and he helped save my date with Glynda.  Now if I'm quick enough, I'll have time to stop by Alex's place, stock up on ammo and possibly get some breakfast at that nearby cafe on the way back for myself and Glynda.  Thankfully, after last night's incident at Grande Fleur, the manager was kind enough to pay for our meals, so I have enough Lien to get both the ammo AND the breakfasts.  Soon enough, I left Beacon Academy and made my way to Alex's Forge.


(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Team RWBY sparring while Chibi Glynda watches.)

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