Chapter 26 - Espionage

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

Twenty minutes after (Y/N) had contacted Alex about the information he got from Mercury...

(Beacon Academy - Glynda's Room, Alexander POV)

I was in Glynda's Room, stitching (Y/N)'s arm back into place as he explains what Mercury said.  While I think it was a stupid fucking idea for him to resort to taking off his WHOLE fucking arm, he got a VERY valuable piece of info out of him: Nishi's involved in this and now that we know this, we can use this to our advantage.

Alexander: "You were a fucking idiot for do that to yourself, (Y/N), but thanks to you, we have dirt on Cinder and her group and we can use the fact that Nishi's part of this to get more information from those fuckheads." I say as (Y/N) and I chuckle lightly.

Alexander: "Now, was there anything Mercury said to you before you made him shit his pants?" I ask as he shakes his head no.

Alexander: "Well, that's alright, any piece of information is important, just remember to gather more information, you two." I say as Glynda and (Y/N) nod.

Alexander: "Alright, I'm done, but try to keep your body parts on your body next time, (Y/N)." I say jokingly as he punches my shoulder lightly and Glynda giggles.

Alexander: "I wonder how Neo's doing on her end..." I wonder to myself in my thoughts as I take a drink from my flask.


(Beacon Academy - Cafeteria, Neo POV)

I was in the cafeteria, following Emerald there as I had used my Semblance to disguise my own appearance and to everyone, including her, I was a girl with black hair in twin tails with white bows holding them in place and green eyes, wearing a normal Beacon outfit with a shirt pocket and a bag over my shoulder.  I get my food and look for Emerald with just my eyes and I see her next to a girl with jet black hair and orange eyes.  I remember what Alex told me what Cinder looked like and I sit far enough away from them to not draw suspicion, but close enough for the burner Scroll I was given to pick up on what they were saying to each other and I hit the Record button and place the Scroll on my lap.

Cinder: "So, after what Mercury was forced to see and reveal, we have to keep an eye out for (Y/N), he's not as gullible as I thought and I can't afford to have you falling for the same trap." she says as I see Emerald nod her head.

Cinder: "But I have a hunch that he's not the only one we should worry about, though it's just a feeling." she says somewhat quietly, but just loud enough for my Scroll to pick up what she's saying. as I eat my food and enjoying it, much to my surprise, because normally, cafeteria food isn't that good, but this is.

Emerald: "Should I do something, Cinder, I mean, I could scout the area and try to find out who might be working with him, and besides, now that he knows that Nishi's involved, Alex is DEFINITELY going to get into the action, and we BOTH know how strong that old bastard is." Emerald says with a kinda loud voice as Cinder sighs and looks at her, a very angry look on her face as she gulps, realizing that she may have blown her cover.

Cinder: "Emerald, I'd advise you to watch what you say around these people, we don't want any unnecessary attention drawn to us." she quietly says with a very malicious tone in her voice, full of venom of as I feel a chill go down my spine and I continue to listen closely.

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