Chapter 12 - Wide Awake

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Beacon Academy - Glynda's Classroom, Glynda POV)

After getting some sleep and waking up this morning, I walk towards my classroom and enter and notice everyone, except Team RWBY and Team CRDL in their seats and I mentally sigh to myself.  I understand the reason Team RWBY's being late to class today, however and I expected Team CRDL to be late, so that's nothing new to me.  About five minutes later, Team RWBY enters and sits down in their seats.

Glynda: "Ah, there you are, Team RWBY, it's good to see you, despite the fact that you're late." I say as all four girls look down, slightly saddened by the fact that they couldn't make it to class on time.

Glynda: "Don't worry, I'm sure you had your reasons, though, so I won't give you detention." I continue to speak as I give them a subtle nod that only they could see and their expressions lighten up a bit.

Team CRDL arrived ten minutes after Team RWBY arrived and they saw my angry expression and gulped, knowing that they were in big trouble.  They quickly take their seats as my glare doesn't ease up for a second.

Glynda: "You four, detention, three days." I coldly speak as every student in the class felt chills rush down their spines.

Glynda: "Now that everyone's here, I'd like to ask Mister Arc and his team to come down here." I look at Team JNPR, all of them wearing expressions of either confusion or fear.

 Jaune: "W-What is it, Professor, are we in trouble?" the blonde boy asks as I shake my head.  All four of them sighed in relief.  "Well, why did you call us down here, if you don't mind me asking."

I look at Team JNPR as I close my eyes and sigh.  I hope they'll accept what I'm about to ask them, because I need all the help I can get to train (Y/N) and help him with his Semblance.  I open my eyes and go to ask them to help with (Y/N) before suddenly, Ozpin's voice comes out of an intercom.

Ozpin (voice only): "Professor Goodwitch and Team RWBY please report to the infirmary at this time, I repeat, Professor Goodwitch and Team RWBY please report to the infirmary immediately." we all hear Professor Ozpin speak.

My eyes widen as I look at Team RWBY and we all nod.  This could mean one of two things: Either (Y/N)'s awake, or the worst possible scenario has happened.  Without hesitation, Team RWBY rush down the halls and I follow after them, but before I walk out the door, I turn to Team JNPR.

Glynda: "You four are to keep EVERYONE here and make sure no one leaves class, understood?" I shout with authority as they all nod.

Glynda: "Thank you, Team JNPR." I say as they nod in respect and I pack some supplies with me as I see Team RWBY get their things.

Glynda: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to." I say before rushing after Team RWBY.


(Jaune POV)

I wondered why those five were in such a rush.  I mean, it MUST be important, but WHY was it important?  I hum to myself quizzically and I snap my head up, remembering something that happened three days ago when (Y/N) had his initiation test in the Emerald Forest.


FLASHBACK: Three days ago

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