Chapter 32 - Ironwood

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Normal: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks

(Alexander's Forge - Training Dojo, (Y/N) POV)

My eyes were widened and I was shaking when I heard what Glynda said.  I was scared, because I had a feeling that things were about to go south and fast.  I looked at Alex, and he was doing the best he could to not snap and march down to Professor Ozpin's office and do something drastic.  I then look at everyone else, their expressions ranging from worried to angry to sad, but I have no choice, I have to go with Glynda and meet the man accusing me of a crime.  I sigh and look at Glynda, nodding my head as she nods back and as we go to leave, we wave bye to everyone.


(Thirty minute timeskip brought to you by Chibi Coco cuddling Chibi (Y/N) while Chibi Neo looks angry.)


(Beacon Academy - Ozpin's Office, (Y/N) POV)

As we approach Professor Ozpin's desk, both Glynda and I notice a glare from General Ironwood and I glare back at him, angry that he'd claim that I had assaulted him for no reason.  Glynda holds my hand subtly to calm me down and I sigh and look at Professor Ozpin, who's just sipping from his mug.  After a few seconds, he sets his mug down and looks at me.

Ozpin: "Now, Mister Teka, General Ironwood claims that you had ambushed and attacked him in an alleyway for no apparent reason, is this true?" Professor Ozpin asks as I shake my head and look at General Ironwood.

(Y/N): "I was walking with Glynda to ValeMart to get some groceries for us and a few friends, but on our way, we heard footsteps from behind us and we went into an alleyway, but it was a dead end." I start to explain as Glynda nods, agreeing with me as Professor Ozpin looks at me, paying attention.

(Y/N): "When we looked to see who it was that was following us, we saw General Ironwood standing there and told us that we were coming with him, whether we liked it or not." I say as Professor Ozpin's eyes widen and General Ironwood starts to speak up.

Ironwood: "That's a lie, Oz-" Ironwood says as he gets shot a glare from Glynda and Professor Ozpin, causing him to shut up before Professor Ozpin looks at me again.

(Y/N): "I stood in front of Glynda, protecting her and I told her to run away to get help and she did." I say as Glynda looks at me with a smile on her face and I smile back at her before looking back at Professor Ozpin.

(Y/N): "I called him a liar accused him of leaving Alex to die against Nishi and when I said that he wasn't a hero, but a backstabber and a poor excuse of a soldier, he..." I say and pause before lifting up my shirt to reveal a bullet wound in my chest.

(Y/N): "...shot me and thanks to a friend, I managed to escape from him." I finish explaining as both Ironwood's and Professor Ozpin's eyes widened and Ozpin glares at Ironwood again as I put my shirt back down.

Ozpin: "James, I've known you for quite a while and for the time I've spent with you, I've grown to trust you, so I expect an honest answer to what I'm going to ask next..." Professor Ozpin says and pauses before looking at me and closing his eyes and opening them again.

Ozpin: " what he said true?" Professor Ozpin coldly asks as Ironwood glares at Glynda and I before sighing.

Ironwood: "Yes, Ozpin, it's true, but that boy is a freak of nature and a rebel!" he says coldly as he continues to glare at me and I stare back at him, my eyes reminding him of Alex's fiery eyes as he growls.

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