Chapter 44 - The Serpent's Game

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Normal Font: Speaking
Italics: Thoughts/Whispers/Emphasis/POV/Timeskips/Weapon Names
Bold: Shouting/Misc. Characters/Flashbacks
(Reminder that this takes place during the events of Chapter 43)

(Beacon Academy - Ruined Festival Grounds, Nishi POV)

Nishi: "I'll strike a deal with you..." I say and pause I stand completely still and cross my arms, which makes all four girls look at me with varying expressions, with Ruby looking the most afraid and Yang looking the most furious.

Nishi: "...if any of you can make me take a step away from where I'm standing in the next thirty minutes, I'll answer one question from all four of you with complete honesty..." I continue as I close my eyes while explaining my stipulation to the girls.

Nishi: "...but if you can't do so, or if you bore me, I'll kill all of you in the most excruciatingly painful and brutal way possible, so do provide a challenge." I finish explaining my stipulation as all four of them look at each other, unsure whether or not to accept the deal or not, but then Ruby asks a question which catches even ME off guard.

Ruby: "If we win, you'll answer ANY question I have, right?" Ruby asks as I nod while looking at her and I see her tear up while she prepares her weapon, which I believe Cinder told me is called "Crescent Rose".

Ruby: "Then WHEN we win, you'll tell me if my mom is still alive, right, Nishi?" she asks, shocking her team as I widen my eyes and tilt my head, but after a few seconds, I close my eyes and smirk while nodding.

Nishi: "I will, young Rose, but only IF you manage to beat me in my game, so..." I say before pausing and opening my eyes, staring a hole into the girl wearing red, though she seems unfazed.

Nishi: " you accept the deal on behalf of your team, Ruby Rose?" I ask coldly and she takes a moment to think it over before looking at her teammates, who give a small smile and then she looks back at me, nodding and my smirk becomes a wide, malicious, toothy and sinister smile as I start to laugh.

Nishi: "Then let the game begin!" I say with glee, taunting them before all four girls charge at me with a war cry as I cross my arms again as the "Serpentine Chains" start to defend me all on their own and knocks them all back as I continue to smile, watching as the charge at me again.

Nishi: "So predictable." I say, annoyed and I see Blake vanish in front of my eyes, which surprises me, though as she goes to attack me from behind, a pair of chains wrap around her arm and toss her over my head.

Nishi: "Well that's unique, her Semblance revolves around making clones." I think to myself as I see Weiss set up a series of Glyphs around the battle area and watch her dash from one Glyph to another, my eyes not missing a second and as she dives towards me, ready to attack me with her weapon after launching off her last Glyph, I move my head to the left, avoiding the stab and I punch Weiss in the jaw, making her drop her weapon and sending her flying a few feet, which shocks the rest of her teammates and I pick up her weapon.

Nishi: "What an interesting toy you've got, Schnee, but it's a shame that this, like all toys..." I say before pausing as I inspect the rapier with intrigue, though after a few seconds, I smile evilly and have my chains crush and break it into pieces before dropping the remains.

Nishi: " made to be broken." I say coldly as I see tears running down the white-haired girl's cheeks, distraught at what just happened and soon after, I notice Yang blindly throwing punches and kicks and I yawn, bored out of my wits when I remember something that Salem told me before I left her domain.

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