Chapter 5 The devils hair

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"Haaah ......... haaah ........."

"Damn it, where did she go?"

"That demonic-haired girl!"

 I ran frantically through the forest at night, using my small body to hide.

The sun was about to set and just as I was about to go to bed, for some reason, about ten men suddenly appeared and tried to catch me, so I had to run away.


"There, she's over here!"

"Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be. ........."

 But perhaps because of the memories of my previous life, my body doesn't move as well as I would like it to.

 Eventually, I tripped and fell on something, and the sound made the men with the torches catch up with me.


"Don't let her get away, be sure to catch her!"

 I saw the lights of torches and lanterns all gathering together and hastily hid in a hole in the trunk of a tree.

 I gasped for air and curled my body around the hole in the tree trunk, trying to quell the loud thumping of my heartbeat.

"There you are!"

"Huh, I lost her ......... damn it!"

"She can't have gone far yet. Find her and do whatever you can to catch her."


 In this darkness, it seemed impossible to find this hole by torch light alone, and the men scattered without noticing me.

 I guess my eyes were accustomed to the darkness, because I could see through the forest at night quite clearly, though not as clearly as I could during the day

"......... wind."

Should I stay here for a while?

Let's stay quiet her , at least until the men's presence disappears.

 But why was I attacked?

 No, the reason is obvious.

 I scooped up my black, silky, useless hair that hung over my shoulders and sighed.

 They said I had the hair of the devil.

 Needless to say, it was probably because of this hair, this hair color that is said to bring bad luck.

 I learned that black hair was far more repugnant than I had imagined.

 But why in the world are they chasing me around at nightfall when they had already turned me away earlier during the day.

 No, now's not the time to think about that. I had to make escape my priority now.

 Luckily, my eyesight works well at night, but I should still leave this place before the sun completely sets.

 There might be nocturnal beasts around, but my instincts were telling me that being eaten by a predator would be a better end than being found and caught by those humans.

(The lights are getting dimmer, they're pretty far away.)

With that in mind, I ran out of the hole, trying to stay as low as I possibly could.

 I ran in the opposite direction of the city, trying to make as little noise as possible, and using my keen eyesight to navigate the woods.

 This far away from the city I should be―――

The Grim Reaper, shrouded in darkness, swears fealty to a lazy, greedy saintWhere stories live. Discover now