Interlude: Kuro's Recollections

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"There's this thing called .........."


I was inspecting the pile of corpses for weapons and cargo to see if there were was anything good when Steer, in her spare time, asked me how I and Noah-sama met.


"What is it?"

"You thought she was a king just by looking at her."

"I mentioned something unnecessary!"

"And it was love at first sight."

"I didn't say that!"

I've made a mistake! I've missed her so much that I've become a little light-spoken.

"But then, you treated Ojou-sama so carelessly."

"It would have been nice if she had been as charismatic as she seemed to be back then. ........."

My master seemed like she was shining at the time, but now that I'm used to it, it's kind of like this.

"But she certainly has her faults."

"She's selfish, a pain in the ass, and yet she has an insatiable appetite for knowledge, and she will stop at nothing to acquire it."

"Should I tell Ojou-sama that?"

"Please don't."

The first time I met her, I thought I was going to follow her either way, whether she was a person of character that everyone respected or an evil admiral.

But the truth is, she' s a real jerk on the inside. That's why I treated her so roughly.

"So, you don't like Ojou-sama?


"Isn't that what you mean?"

"........." huh? Don't worry, I don't dislike her, in fact, I like her. I would do anything for her. I don't have a fragile heart that would waver from the loyalty I swore to her."

I said to Steer, who looked a little anxious.

She's not very outspoken and puts on a cold expression, but in reality she worries more than most people.

I think she was thinking that I might actually dislike Noah-sama.

"I'm glad to hear that,"

She really is a good girl and cute.

It would be even better if she could get rid of her habit of going berserk when Noah-sama or Goraske is insulted.

"Now, enough idle chatter, let's continue. If you find any good-looking weapons or food, please collect them."


We continued our work and I picked up the sword of the man who was called the captain, the food that was piled up in the rear, and some other weapons and tools.

"Steer, How are things here ......... what's that?"


It was a picture of that captain, with graffiti and slurs all over it.

"Where did you find this?"

"It was on the floor."

"Be specific."

"Next to the first person I killed."

"He must have hated him very much to pull a elementary school level prank like this. ........."

"Ele-men-tary school"?

I don't want our Noah-sama to be the kind of leader who would do something like this to me.

"Anyway, I don't need it, so go ahead and throw it away."

"If I showed him this picture, it could work as a psychological attack."

"No, the subject of this psychological attack is dead."

She looked at me as if he was trying to make a big deal out of it.

"Did you find anything else?"

"I'm having them look for you."

"Oh, the soldiers you've been manipulating? If you have that kind of leverage, we should have kept a few more of them alive."

"It's all right. Don't worry, it's over now."

In the end, the only thing we got was a couple of dozen swords, some food, and a few items.

"That's about it. Steer, please kill those soldiers."

"'Hmm. [Cut each other down]."

All those who had been controlled by Steer were dead, and the detachment of 500 men was completely destroyed.

"I'm tired ........., let's go home quickly."

"Hmmm... But how do we take this with us?"

"We could just use the horse they had with them."

"But the horse got caught up in Kuro's magic..."

I looked in the direction where Steer had pointed her finger and saw a horse that had stopped moving.

"It's dead."

I did it.

"Do you want us to carry it?"

"Are you kidding me? You want two helpless girls to carry such a large amount? We have no choice. One of us should go back to the camp and bring soldiers and mercenaries."

"Kuro did it, so Kuro should go."

"No, no, no, I think those lolicons would be more likely to follow if Steer called out to them."


"Jang, Ken."

"Who would play rock-paper-scissors with you who can read minds?"

"......... mmm. I'll settle for this."

"That doodle picture you just showed me? What do you want me to do with it?"

"Drop it, and if it comes up heads, I go. If it comes up tails, Kuro goes."

"I never really thought of using it this way"

We both dropped it so that there would be no injustice, and as a result, I won the right to take a break here.

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