Chapter 27 Makeover

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"Well, first we have to do something about your outfit."

 Noah-sama said and looked at Steer.

 Certainly, Steer was dressed in tattered clothes and was not dressed to walk around the city outside of the slums.

In the meantime, let's do some first aid. 《Purifying Light Purifilight》 .

 Then Noah-sama activates her magic.

A pale light enveloped the Steer from the sky, and when the light disappeared a short time later, Steer's body was clean down to a single strand of hair.

"Now we can walk around the neighborhood. Shall we buy clothes at a clothing store? Kuro, is there a place around here that sells children's clothes?"

"I'll lead the way, if you would follow me."

"Thank you."

 As Noah-sama had told me, I had been wandering the streets for the past few days and had a perfect grasp of the geography of this town, so I led them to the nearest clothing store.

 Steer was puzzled, but stuck with me.

I'll spare you the reaction of the clothing store attendants, blonde-haired Noah, black-haired me, and light blue-haired Steer, because it's already obvious.

"How about this one? I think this frill would look good on her."

"Kuro, you don't get it. These day kids are supposed to be wearing darker colors like this."

"No, no, no, I think she should wear an apron dress."

"No, she should wear gothic lolita."

"Huh". .........

 Me and Noah are fighting over which looks better.

 While Steer is fidgeting.

"I was just thinking, Noah-sama."

"What is it?"

"Why don't we just her he try both on?"

I was thinking the same thing, Kuro. Can you please lend me the fitting room? Also, it would be great if there was a woman who could help her put these clothes on.

Yes, ma'am! Right away!"

"........., um..."

 Her brain still hasn't caught up with what's happening, Steer is dragged to the fitting room, where she is made to wear a number of other outfits besides apron dresses and gothic lolita.


"......... I know what you mean."

"This is just a little too cute for ........."

"Yes, there is a risk of abduction or kidnapping by pedophiles,......... so let's not do it."

 I and Noah-sama agreed and put her in the safest one-piece dress.

 I also bought about half of the clothes we've put on her so far.

"By the way, I'm hungry. Is there anywhere we can go to eat?"

"I picked out a couple of places that I thought Noah-sama would like. One of them is across the street, so let's go there."

"I like that you are so attentive and thoughtful, Kuro."

 Next we went to a restaurant.

 We sat down on the terrace, attracting a lot of attention.

"It is always like this. None of us have normal hair colors, so no matter what we do, we will always attract attention."

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