Chapter 19 Gordon Tearlight

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"It's open. Come in."

 The door slams open and a man enters.

 He has an ordinary face, not bad but nothing to write home about.

 He had a beard the same shade of brown as his hair and wore glasses.

"It's been a long time, Noah Marie."

"Welcome back father. Did you take advantage of me in good spirits?"

'What do you mean?"

"You are being used by your own daughter and in return I said you could use me. So how did it go?"


"In a rude way, he looked like a character who was "smart but condescending to those around him, he's a bit of a dog."

".........Well, that's okay. I'm here because I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh, what is it?"

"Noah Marie, you ........."

Noah-sama's father took one light glance at me, sniffed, and then he stormed up to Noah-sama.

"Why are you letting a dark-haired girl into this house? I can't overlook it, no matter how many times you do it. How can you, who is a sign of good fortune, invite a symbol of bad luck!"

"Of course such talk of good fortune is superstition. Kuro is by my side because I like her, and you have no right to question that."

"Don't be silly, get her out of here now! If the king finds out about this, this house will be destroyed."

"I don't give a damn. If he says anything, tell him, 'Noah Marie is going to leave this country if you try to get rid of a beautiful dark-haired girl. That will quiet down the blonde-loving old pedophiles."

"What the hell, .........?"

Even when her father yelled at her, Noah-sama calmly ignored him, frowning with annoyance.

Though it was a bit embarrassing to be called a "beautiful girl" by someone as super beautiful as Noah-sama. 

"I'm not sure how you can lecture me in the first place. If you want to have all the dirty things you've built up destroyed, I'm happy to oblige?"

"Jeez, you're talking to your own parent .........!"

You're my biological parent, so what? You're trying to one-sidedly take advantage of me in the first place. I know that you have hired professionals to go through my room looking for evidence of corruption and fraud that I have suppressed?"


"But too bad. I'm not dumb enough to keep such valuable things in plain sight. I've already put it where you'll never find it."

 Noah-sama was twirling her hair and looking down at her father.

 I remembered that on the table in the large library, there were several strangely decorated sheets of paper held together with string.

"I had already told you that I would guarantee your success as long as you were under my employ. I wonder what's so frustrating about that. Right, Kuro?"

"Huh, me? I'm not sure. If you can be successful, then what's wrong with that?"

"I know, right? I'm not sure if he doesn't like the fact that he's being used by a little girl, but he keeps coming at me every time. I am really getting tired of it."

 Noah-sana seems to be amused by her father's trembling body.

 Yes, I knew it, there's no doubt about it.

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