Interlude Steer's Recollections

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"Ojou, it's finished."

After Kuro and I had gotten rid of the strange people who were after Ojou's life, I went to report to her.

"Oh, welcome back Steer. How'd it go?"

"He made fun of my Golaske. I was so disgusted, I gave him a nightmare."

"And where is he?"

"He's dead."

"Yeah. I see you've done your job. Great job, Steer. Come here."


 I do as Ojou says and sit down between her legs as usual.

"You really are a good girl, Steer. I'm glad I found you that day."

"Uhn, I'm glad Ojou and Kuro found me, too."

 Even now, at the age of twelve, I still remember that day.

If Ojou and Kuro hadn't saved me from that place that day, I'm sure I would have died

 That's why I love Ojou and Kuro so much.

"Ojou, would you pat me on the head."

"Yes, yes, I know."

 I love being petted on the head by Ojou.

"Steer is always so sweet, no matter how old she gets. She's so different from Kuro."

"You don't hate Kuro, do you, Ojou?"

"Of course I don't. Kuro is my right hand man. And I can't live without her."

"Uhn. That' s good."

 I know she and Kuro love each other.

 But sometimes I worry about them, so I have to ask them properly.

"You're a worrier, Steer, but that part of you is cute too."

"Both Kuro and the Ojou are adults. Ever since the first time I met you. That's why I'm worried that you might hide your feelings from me."

"Why are you worried if you can read minds?"

"I don't read Ojou's mind."

"Are you scared to?"


 If I use my magic, I can know what both Ojou and Kuro are thinking.

 But I don't want to do that. Some part of me fears that maybe they don't really like me.

"I only use it on the girls when we play rock-paper-scissors and cards."

"I knew you were using magic to win games, you must be the girl I heard about who made gamblers cry in the gambling hall."

"It wasn't my fault."

 I feel Ojou chuckled.

 But that was just a bunch of guys who were making fun of us, Ojou's entourage, and I left them penniless.

 It is true that I read their minds, peeked at their hands, manipulated the person who was dealing the cards, and won about fifty times in a row, but it wasn't my fault.

 They said I cheated, but I left no evidence.

 Ojou and Kuro both said, "It's not a crime if you don't get caught," and since I didn't get caught, it wasn't a crime.

"Oh, you're such a naughty girl. Well, if they don't know, that's okay. What did you do with the money you made there?"

"I put a little over half of it in the big book depository. The rest will be for my pancakes."

"Wait a minute, you won so much that even half of it is a lot. I'll let you have as many pancakes as you want later, but put the rest in the great library."


 Both Ojou and Kuro are strict about money.

 They don't like me to have a lot of money.

 Kuro says, "Money makes people crazy," and looked at me with a distant gaze.

"I wanted to eat more pancakes with a big slice of butter on top."

"That's usually bad for you. Kuro will be mad at you."


"Don't puff up your cheeks."

 Pancakes are my life.

"So, back to my point. Are you scared that we don't like you Steer?"


"I think all you have to do is look into our hearts. Neither Kuro nor I nor any of the other three hate Steer."


"Of course. We've been like this since we first met, haven't we?"

"Uhn, though Kuro still gets mad at Ojou."

"Yesterday, too, she got mad at me when she found out that I secretly avoided parsley."

 I was listening to what she was saying when suddenly she hugged me.

"Ojou, what is it?"

"Hey, Steer. Do you ever regret following me?"


"Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if you hadn't followed me. Steer, what would you have done if you had been told that happiness awaited you in the future if you didn't follow me?"

"I still would have chosen to follow Ojou."

 Ojou seems a bit nervous.

 Why does she look at me like that?

"Nothing would make me happier than being with Ojou. I would follow you no matter what anyone said."

"Is that so?"

"Uhn. I'm here because Ojou saved me. I am Ojou's aide. I am happy when Ojou is happy."

"Even though I'm consequently getting you to kill people?"

"I hope those who try to take Ojou away from us die."

 When I said the obvious, Ojou tightened her embrace.


"You've grown up to be such a good girl, Steer! I love you so much!"

"? I love Ojou too."

"I was foolish to ask that. I'm still very attached to the people in my entourage. Especially Steer, whom I have loved like a little sister for so long."

 After a while, the young lady let go of my hand and set me down.

"Are we done already?"

"Yes. You should get some rest too. You must be tired."

"Good night---."

"Or actually, let's talk some more shall we?

 I sat down next to her and we talked.

 I couldn't think of anything like this until I met them.

 I had been waiting for that day to come, thinking that I was going to die soon.

"『Come with me, Steer.』"

 I am alive today because of what she said to me that day.

 So I will use my life for her.

 No matter what happens, I will live for her.

 That's why.

"I'm back, Noah-sama. ........."

"Oh, welcome back, Kuro. Do you want to play Jenga too?"

"No. What are you doing right here in enemy territory?"

 If there is a God, I beg you.

Let this happiness last.

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