Chapter 9 I'm Tired

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Even while I was despairing, the snake did not wait for me.

 As soon as it realized that I had stopped moving, it opened its big mouth and pounced on me.


 I threw a large stone that was close at hand at the snake that was trying to eat me.

But a child's physical strength is not strong enough to do any damage.

 The stone only went into its mouth and seemed to have no effect.


 Unexpectedly, the snake stopped moving and spit out the stone.

 It is normal to want to spit out a foreign object when it is in your mouth.

 But at the same time, it meant that the snake saw me as nothing more than food.

I had to run.

 If I don't escape now, even if I have to crawl, I will definitely be eaten in a few seconds.

 My body is broken in places, but my hands are fine.

 I can't use my right leg, but my left leg still works.

 I have to somehow use my body to get out of here.



The snake swung its tail around as if to say that it was uncomfortable at being resisted by its prey, and it struck me with its tail.

 I was blown away and slammed to the ground.

Ugh. .........."



Ou, ou, ou, ou, ou.

I hate this. What did I do?

 I have never taken anything from anyone since I was born into this world, or in my previous life, I've only ever been taken from by others.

 That's enough. I've been through such a living hell, so it would be nice if there was a little compensation.

 Why do I have to suffer like this all the time?

 I've been cheated, beaten, and betrayed by people.

 In the end, I get eaten by this giant snake. .........?


 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

 No, no, no, no, no, no.

 I don't want to die here.

"He, lp, me....."



 I don't want to die, but death is coming for me.

 Why me?

 I haven't done anything yet. I haven't done anything to deserve this.

 Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why!


 I screamed.

 I was going crazy, and with all the strength in my body, I screamed louder than ever before.

 And then.

 The Killing Serpent fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"ha......... ha........."

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