Chapter 23 Internal investigation

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"What are you going to do, Noah-sama? I can't see a trace of her."

"Well, let's go find that kid again."

"Are you sure? It's not very cool to give money like that and then ask for it back."

 Noah was lost in thought.

 It's no wonder she spent it the way she did.

Who was it that said, "Those who let themselves be carried away by the heat of the moment will be the ones to bring ruin to themselves"?

"What are we going to do?"

"Well, let's just see what the situation is like for now."


"Through magic. What do you think the last three years have been for?"

"At least, I think it was to make money magically disappear when I got carried away while looking for someone."

"Kuro, would you like to see how fast you can deploy your dark magic or how fast my light magic can pierce your proud head?"


Noah-sama, who had begun to reopen her hand, invoked her magic before I did.

《Light Refraction・ Photon Reflector》

 Instantly, Noah-sama disappeared.

As the name suggests, "Photon Reflector" is a light magic that manipulates the refraction of light.

 It is a magic that creates an image in a different location, creating an illusion or making the figure invisible.

"Vanishing Presence・ Delete Sign".

 In contrast, my dark magic "Delete Sign" does not make a person disappear, but rather "erases" his or her presence.

 It is a dark magic that interferes with reason and has the power to distort and erase all things, but the drawback is that this magic can only be used on oneself.

 The reason is that dark magic cannot restore anything other than itself once it has been erased.

 If it is only me, I can erase my presence, eyes, arms, etc., and it can be restored, but other things cannot be restored, no matter what happens.

 It is a magic that cannot be undone.

 Well, be that as it may, both of us have now disappeared.

 Now, if a pair of children approaches the bar, nothing will be said.

"Kuro, you can't see me, but you can hear me, can't you? I'm just out of sight, but Kuro is unrecognizable to them, so they won't notice me unless I do something wrong. So I will examine the light blue girl from the outside, and you go to the back to see how her master is treating her.

 I said, "Okay," but there was no reply.

 I, who had reduced my presence, was not noticed even if I answered.

 As Noah-sama had instructed, I went inside the tavern.

 As soon as I entered the bar, I realized something was wrong.

"It's crazy."

 The bar was quite spacious, but it was made of tattered walls and desks made of ready-made materials.

 There were already a few customers, all of whom were in no way gentlemen.

"Ola, bring me my drink, quick!"

"Yes, yes, .........."

"Stop fucking around!"

"I, I'm so sorry!!"

The Grim Reaper, shrouded in darkness, swears fealty to a lazy, greedy saintTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang