Chapter 8 Truth and the Serpent

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Let me be wrong, please tell me I'm wrong.

How nice it would be if I was mistaken.

 I beg you to refute it.



 I felt a slight pain and looked at my arm and saw a small needle stuck in it.

 Almost as soon as I noticed it, I collapsed on the spot.

".......... I can't believe you noticed. You must be really smart."

 I tried desperately to move my body, but I couldn't move it felt like I was being shackled.

 Was there something on the needle?

"I'm sorry, I tricked you. But I had to do it this way."

"You're right. We certainly tried to trick you to get you here. I'm sorry. But ........."

 The giant man lifts me up.

Carrying me with them, they moved on.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

 I ask, my tongue barely moving.

"To save our friend."

"We are willing to become demons or Shura in order to save our friend. That's why we decided to go to this extreme." (Tl*1)

 I don't understand.

 How does helping your friend lead you to bring me here?

"We have another friend. He is too strong for our party. But a few days ago, when we were on a mission to rescue people who had been kidnapped by bandits, the bandits struck back one last time and poisoned him."

"It was a rare and powerful poison. The antidote is so expensive that mercenaries like us could barely afford it after months of saving up. But I was told that if left untreated, my friend would die in less than a week."

"That's why we took this mission. The eggs of the Killing Serpent are said to be the finest delicacy, and just one is worth a tremendous price. If we bring back one egg, we can help our friend."

 Even though I was told the background story behind this request, I still couldn't understand why I had been brought here.

 Is it that my brain is also paralyzed or that I myself refuse to think?

"But there was one problem. The Killing Serpent is a ferocious monster that even professional mercenaries have trouble with. We were absolutely no match for it. In addition, because of the pit organ of the serpent, it would almost certainly sense us if we approached its eggs. We would be swallowed whole and that would be the end.(Tl*2)

While I was trying to wrap my head around what to do, I found you. You were dark-haired, hated by people, and alone in the world. And I remembered, at the same time, the habits of the Killing Serpent."

 I can understand why he would say this.

 I struggled desperately to move my body, which couldn't even tremble even if I wanted to.

"The Killing Serpent is a ......... big fan of young flesh. So much so that they release their eggs and in order to devour it."


That is, they are....

They are going to use me as bait and take the eggs while they have an opening.

 I was sold into slavery, I have no relatives, no one will be troubled if I disappear, and I have the most abominable black hair in the world, so they thought I would make the perfect bait.

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