Interlude 2 A Morning with Kuro

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 My day begins with getting up at six in the morning.

I wake up, wash my face, and change into the black children's suit-like clothes that Noah-sama has provided for me.

The bottom part of the suit is a mini-skirt, which seems to be Noah's taste, and it is surprisingly light and comfortable.

 After that, I drink a glass of water and head to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Nina-san."

"Good morning, Kuro. Are you here for Ojou-sama's breakfast?"

"Yes, If you would please."


  Nina, a maid who has become a familiar face to me, made breakfast for Noah-sama today.

 She made Noah's breakfast and mine, too. Although it was not as expensive as Noah-sama's, it was quite a solid meal.

"Now, don't drop it, okay?"

"Thank you very much. I'm sorry, every breakfast, every morning."

"I don't mind. Thank you for always taking care of Ojou-sama."

"Ah-ha-ha. .........."

With a wagon loaded with food for two, I start walking down the hallway.

"Oh, Kuro. Good morning."(random servant)

"Good morning. Are you tending the garden now?"(Kuro)

"Yes, I have to do it every day or I'll never feel at ease."(random servant)

"Good luck.(Kuro)

 On the way, I passed several people and exchanged greetings with them.

 I had been shunned when I first came here, but now they've become quite friendly.

 I am sure that if she had been an ordinary noblewoman, I would still be abhorred as a black-haired woman who brings bad luck.

 But fortunately or unfortunately, the lady here was not ordinary.

『Kuro! Look, so many frogs in the rainy season!』(Noah) (Tl*1)

『Geeaaaah! Go and return it to where you found it now!』(Kuro)

『Kuro, there's something wrong with the kitchen in this house. The food exploded when I didn't do anything』(Noah)

『How can it explode if you haven't done anything to it? ......... Have you ever seen a potato being heated directly on the stove! Use the cookware, and also tell me if you want to eat!』(Kuro)

『Kuro, human curiosity is such a terrible thing. I've proven firsthand that one thoughtless act can lead to great consequences.』(Noah)

『Did you really think that excuse would be goood enough? I told you not to shoot light magic in the garden, didn't I? I even explained that light magic turned into an attack is very hot, and if you shoot it in the garden, it will catch fire and burn the grass, so why don't you listen to me!』(Kuro)

『I don't care! Because a ball between aristocrats is just that, a ball between aristocrats, where they eat unimportant food with unimportant men, chat about unimportant things, and dance unimportant dances, not to mention t's unimportant!』(Noah)

『Why are you so lazy when it comes to things that don't interest you? There are connections between nobles and all that, just get your hands off the blankets!』(Kuro)

 Noah-sama is a charismatic person who attracts people just by being there.

 However, when you look under the surface, she is selfish and greedy when it comes to knowledge and doesn't listen when you tell her [not to do something], and at other times she is just lazy and a pain in the ass.

The Grim Reaper, shrouded in darkness, swears fealty to a lazy, greedy saintWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt