Chapter 36 Four Years Later

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"What's wrong?"(Kuro)

"I'm hungry."(Steer)

"Oh, I'm hungry, too."(Noah)

"Then I'll go prepare something. Would you like pancakes?"(Kuro)

"No problem."(Noah)

"OK, with Blueberry jam."(Steer)

"Yes, yes."(Kuro)

 Leaving Noah-sama's room, I headed for the kitchen.

 I put my pancake-making skills to good use, which have improved over the past four years, and quickly finished the pancakes and put blueberry jam on top as requested.

"Here you go."(Kuro)


"Thank you."(Noah)

 Four years had already passed since we had added Steer to our group.

 I and Noah-sama are twelve years old. Steer is eight years old and will soon be nine.

 All of us have grown up in our own way, and as for Steer, she is so skillful with magic that it is hard to believe that she is eight years old.

"Kuro, what do we have planned for today?"(Noah)

"A messenger will be coming soon from the neighboring territory. Your father is not at home at the moment, so Noah-sama will have to handle it, but I think he will want to talk discuss things."(Kuro)

"Oh, the one you didn't have proof of. Steer, you must come with me."(Noah)


"Then Kuro, I'm going to go get ready, so prepare my clothes for me."(Noah)

"Isn't it about time you learned to dress yourself, Noah-sama?"(Kuro)


 I fix Noah-sama's clothes, fix her hair, apply a thin layer of make-up, and then fix what was wrong with Steer, too.

Alright, I'm done. It's almost time to go.

 While I was looking at the clock, there was a knock at the door.

 Nina, the maid, came in.

"Miss, you have a visitor. Please come to the parlor."(Nina)

"I understand. Kuro, Steer, let's go."(Noah)

"Yes. ......... Steer, are you willing to let go of Golaske at least at times like this?"(Kuro)


"Of course not."(Kuro)

 Steer and I walked behind Noah-sama and headed for the parlor.

"Pardon me."(Noah)

"Oh, well, well. I am Doni, an envoy of Viscount Lad Sombre of the Sombre territory."(Doni)

"Noah Marie Tearlight. I'm here to speak on behalf of my father, Gordon."(Noah)

"Yes, but before that, ........., what about the two behind you?"(Doni)

"They're my personal attendants. Don't worry about them."(Noah)

"I've heard rumors. I've heard that Noah Marie-sama likes inferior hair. She seems to have some interesting tastes."(Doni)

 The man inside the parlor, who calls himself Doni, looked at us and said so.

 His expression showed a hint of contempt.

 He definitely thinks we're idiots and is underestimating us.

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