Chapter 38 The Right Way to Use an arranged marriage

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"Kuro, do you know what an arranged marriage is?" (Noah)

"......... An arranged marriage is a marriage set up between parents or relatives for mutual political benefit." (Kuro)

"Are you getting married, Ojou?" (Steer)

"Don't Noah-sama! The Diotirio Empire is an invading nation! It is a particularly dangerous country even among the neighboring countries, with its status and military might! Now that Noah-sama, who has many sorcerers, blond hair, and can use light magic, exists, the Kingdom of Edrum has not been affected by this evil, but if you are going to marry with the Count's family, it means that...." (Kuro)

"My idiot father must be trying to get me to hand myself over to the Empire. For a man like that, he played the diplomatic card pretty decently." (Noah)

"Uhn. Half the reason the empire hasn't invaded is because of Ojou." (Steer)

"If I marry into the empire and they get ahold of my light magic, the empire will become the most powerful country in both name and reality. With that in mind, my father must have made a deal with the empire." (Noah)

"This is not the time to talk! Is it really okay for you to go along with the plan you father has set up!" (Kuro)

 I was so upset that I didn't even know what I was doing, and I desperately tried to convey the disadvantages.

Noah-sama turns around, looks heartily disgusted, and says.

"I am not interested in weak men. I would rather marry a weak girl than a weak man." (Noah)

"Huh?" (Kuro)

"Do you like girls, Ojou?" (Steer)

"I don't care if it's a man or a woman. But the minimum requirement for a man is that he be stronger than me. Even a girl should be strong enough to cross me." (Noah)

"In short, you like strong people." (Kuro)

"Inevitably, I'm limited to rare magicians---I've never had a man in my past who could beat me, so I've never been with a man, you know, in my previous life." (Noah)

 Not only men, Noah-sama was the strongest and worst dark magician Hal who was even called the king of rare magician, that's why no one can win....

 Does this mean?

"Noah-sama, have you ever been with a woman?" (Kuro)

"Yes, I have. A good number of them." (Noah)

"Heh, heeeh." (Kuro)

"When I was Hal, there were a lot of girls who were fighting over me. I would try to get them to give in and do all kinds of other things, and before I knew it, they were fighting over me." (Noah)


"When I was wondering who to choose, Luce attacked me. Oh, I'm so angry now that I remember."

"I don't really care, but Luce was stronger than Noah back then, right? Didn't you fall in love with her?" (Kuro)

"She wasn't my type." (Noah)

"Oh, I see." (Kuro)

 ---I wonder why.

 When I heard that Noah-sama had never been with a guy and that she also likes girls, I was a little bit relieved to hear that.

"Kuro, what's wrong?" (Noah)

"Huh? Oh, no, it's nothing." (Kuro)

"Really? I hope so." (Noah)

"Anyway, Noah-sama you're not really going to marry that guy who's going to come tomorrow, are you?" (Kuro)

"Of course not. I'll just put up a front and say, 'Wow, you're such a handsome guy,' and then I'll get around to dealing with him later. I could make him the first puppet of a foreign country. Or have him die in an accident. That'd be fun. ......... hehe." (Noah)

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