Chapter 44 The Hired Man

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 It was noon the next day.

 I, Noah-sama, and, incidentally, Auger were walking around the area to show them around the mansion.

 Steer is secretly having a look at the memories of everyone in the Gift family.

"Mr Auger, this is..." (Noah)

"Hm, I see. This is..." (Auger)

 While Noah-sama and the others were talking, I was thinking.

 I had the feeling that someone was watching us.

 The scout of the Gift family that Noah-sama mentioned, the outlaw who is watching Noah-sama.

 I absolutely need to kill him, but I can't see him.

(Is he using water-based invisibility magic to make himself invisible? No, that would be tripped by my bio-sensing. Does this mean that the surveillance has not started yet and the gaze I feel is just my imagination? No, Noah-sama is intentionally giving priority to walking in a place with a good view, so Noah-sama feels it too. (Which means---)

 I look around to see where he is, but he is nowhere to be found.

 I look for traces of them while trying not to move away from Noah-sama and the others.

"......... hmm?" (Kuro)

 I looked carefully and found something strange.

(Water droplets? And in a weird shape, why wouldn't it fall down at that angle?)

 I found a fingertip-sized drop of water on a nearby pillar.

 I looked around and saw it everywhere.

 This shape. A strange oval shape.

 A lens?

 In other words.

"Noah-sama, something has come up. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask to step aside for a moment." (Kuro)

"Yes, I understand." (Noah)

 I followed the droplets of water.

 In other words, the scouts were watching Noah with a lens created by water.

 They probably installed it last night.

 Using the light reflection of the water at an exquisite angle, he has turned his own eyes themselves into a machine that reflects the images much like a surveillance camera.

 But since only the bare minimum was installed so as not to be unnatural, it seems there was no room to set up a dummy.

 In other words, if we could predict and follow the direction of the next lens from the angle of this droplet of water, we would reach the scouts.

I run through the mansion and eventually get outside.

 I followed the lenses here and there: on the pillars, on the walls, in the corners of the floor, on the trees.

 Then, on one of the myriad of trees, I detected a bio-sign.

"I found you." (Kuro)

 Seven years have passed since I became Noah-sama's follower.

 I have been working hard to protect her.

 Not only magic. I've been training my physical abilities to a level unimaginable in my previous life, and I've even taken advantage of the fact that I'm surrounded by a forest to try my hand at parkour.

 Now it has paid off.

"It's an auspicious attitude not to run away." (Kuro)


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