Chapter 15 Are You an Idiot?

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A few days had passed since I was picked up by Noah-sama, and I was beginning to be recognized as a sort of apprentice squire of Noah-sama.

Many of the workers in the house were vehemently opposed to having me by her side.

They said that it was not appropriate for a person with blond hair, a sign of good fortune, to have a person with black hair, a symbol of bad luck, by her side without regard for the fact that I was right there next to her.

"So, will one of you take Kuro's place?"

Noah-sama's words made them all fall silent.

 I didn't understand it when I saw it, but after I was entrusted with her personal care, I understood why.

"Kuro, I don't like green onions, so eat them for me."

"You won't grow up if your picky about these things, so please bear with it. Oh, and look, you're avoiding your asparagus too! Come on, at least eat half of it."


"No, not "eh!"

"Hey, Kuro, there's something wrong with my clothes."

"Wait, it's backwards ......... and upside down to begin with, how did you end up wearing it like this?"

"Because usually the people who change my clothes do it for me while I'm sleepwalking. But when Kuro came along, I fired them."

"You hired people to change your clothes? I'll fix it. Come with me to that room... I said come in, don't undress in the hallway!"

"Kuro, it seems a wind magic user was in my room."

"If only it were so simple. Noah-sama, you're the one that made this mess. Why did you make such a mess when I cleaned here the day before yesterday? I'm the one who has to clean it up!"

"I trust you, Kuro."

"I don't want to be trusted here!"

 After a few days, I realized.

 She is a slacker.

 She was a king in her previous life and a nobleman in this life. In addition, she has spent her life thinking only about magic, so she lacks the common knowledge of everyday life.

 She will probably starve to death if left alone.

I now understand why no one wants to be Noah-sama's squire. She is too much of a handful.

 In addition to that, Noah-sama is the only known user of light magic, a rare magic that countries all over the world are drooling over.

 She is, of course, one of the most famous person in the kingdom, and has the highest expectations for her future.

 Being a follower of such a person would be nothing but pressure.

"Noah-sama, if you hadn't been reborn as a nobleman, wouldn't you have been doomed?"

"That's rude. I can lead a flexible and lazy life."

"First of all, you need to fix your lazy life."


A girl who is as difficult to handle as a nuclear warhead, normally people don't want to be attached to such a person.

 In fact, they probably think it's strange that I'm with her.

 One day, an incident occurred.

"Noah-sama, Noah-sama! Where have you gone?"

 Noah had disappeared.

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