Chapter 52 The Twins' Revenge: Introduction

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"I'm going to put them in here, so others can't find them. I'll lock it up just in case. And I'll give you the key."(Noah)

Noah-sama locks the warehouse and hands the key to Otoha and Ouran.

"I'll give the spare key to Kuro. As expected, they will die if they don't drink anything, so Kuro should come here regularly and give them just water to drink. I won't go into the specifics, but if they leak, use dark magic to make it go away."(Noah)

"Oh, again? Even if it's just to erase it, it's honestly a little too much to touch it with magic."(Kuro)

 I've already taken care of the filth in my lower body, both large and small.

"I know how you feel, but be patient, it's the easiest way to do it. And Otoha and Ouran can come here whenever they want and take revenge or talk as they please. I have told the people in the mansion that you are the newly found children, so you can roam around the mansion. But when you come here, don't let them find you."(Noah)

"I understand."(Ouran)

"If you need our magic, call us and we'll come tohelp. I've had Steer erase their memories, do you want me to restore them?"(Noah)

"If you would, please"(Ouran)


 Steer snaps her fingers.

 Now the memories of Otoha and Ouran would be restored to Auger and Count Gift.

That's all we can do. The rest is up to you. You can kill your brother and father, or you can untie them. But I would prefer it if you would say something to me before you decide what to do with them.

"Thank you for doing this .........."(Otoha)

"I appreciate it."(Ouran)

"You can thank Steer. She's the one who did the most work."(Noah)

"Uhn. Worked hard."(Steer)

"I have a treat for you. I know you're hungry, and I know it's not healthy to eat this late at night, but it's a special occasion."(Kuro)

"I want pancakes."(Steer)

"I've baked a lot."(Kuro)

 Steer jumped up and down on the spot.

 She was very happy.

"Let's hurry up and eat."(Noah)

"Okay, okay, let's go to your room then."(Kuro)


"What about Otoha-san and Ouran-san?"(Kuro)

"I'll stay here a little while longer. I have to have a little discussion with Ouran."(Otoha)

"I see. Then I will be in Noah-sama's room, so if you need anything, please ask."(Kuro)

"I understand."(Otoha)

 Noah-sama and I headed to her room with Steer.

 I went up the stairs and opened the door to Noah-sama's room, and there was the evening meal prepared by me, Nina and the other cooks who had put their skills to the test.


"You may eat. But wash your hands first."(Kuro)

"Bon appétit."(Noah)

"What? Hey, at least clean your hands with a wet towel!"(Kuro)

 Steer sat down at an unprecedented speed and began to eat a pancake with chicken in it.

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