Chapter 12 Noah's Goal

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"Hmmm... .........?"

I didn't recognize this ceiling.

 I thought of a famous line that even I, who was not familiar with anime and video games, knew.

 I slowly got up, and although my body still ached here and there, it was a lot better than the pain I felt at the time when I fainted.

"Where am I?"

 I looked around and saw a surprisingly spacious and beautiful room that could be described as a room in a nobleman's mansion.

 I was sleeping on a canopy bed that could have accommodated nearly ten people.

 Still in a daze, I moved my aching body a little.

 I immediately noticed something was wrong.

 The broken leg and one crushed eye had healed.

"I had given up on the eye, but not on the fracture, so what does mean?........."

My bruises were almost gone and my muscle aches and pains had lessened.

 I began to ponder what the hell was going on, and then I heard a voice saying,

"Oh, you're up. Good morning."

 A door across the room opened and a girl entered.

 A girl with golden hair, she could be described as dainty or beautiful.

"No, Noah Marie-sama."



"Noah is fine. It's too long, Noah Marie. It's a hassle, isn't it?"

"No. No, it's not."

"Just call me Noah. That's an order."

"Well, then, .........,Noah-sama."

"That's fine."

 Noah Marie-sama--- Noah-sama smiled contentedly and sat down in a nearby chair.

"Can you see?"

"Oh, yes. Yes, strangely enough."

"I'm glad to hear that. I was worried because I had never done eye regeneration and vision restoration before, but it seems to have gone well."

"Oh, um, you mean with magic?"

"Yes. I healed it with my light magic. It was impossible with my current magical power to completely heal all the wounds in your body, so I prioritized the parts that were seriously injured. Is there anywhere that still hurts?'

"Um, just some bruises and sore muscles."

"Then, 《Healing Light》. How about now?"

 When I moved my body, the pain disappeared as if it was a lie.

 This is light magic. The best of all magic, the most powerful magic.

"It's amazing ......... it doesn't hurt at all anymore."

"I'm glad to hear that."

In this world, only light magic can use recovery-type spells.

And that light magic has an unusually small number of users. It is a magic so rare that if it appeared once every few decades, it would be considered too good to be true.

Magic that can heal injuries in an instant" is a power that could turn the conventional wisdom of war and hand-to-hand combat on its head.

It is ironic that I, who use "magic to take the life of living creatures," would be on the receiving end of such magic.

The Grim Reaper, shrouded in darkness, swears fealty to a lazy, greedy saintKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat