Chapter 47 Skepticism and Expectation

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"Let's go over the plan. First of all, you must erase the memories of Otoha and Ouran from everyone in the house except us by tomorrow. Kuro you can do the same with dark magic, right?" (Noah)

"Yes, if only to erase them. Unlike Steer, I can't undo it." (Kuro)

"That's fine. Next is Steer. After you have manipulated the Gifts into not recognizing them, I want you to join them when they leave tomorrow and go to the Gifts' mansion and steal information on their corruption and so forth. I think it's in a safe, but you can extract the combination from their memories." (Noah)

"Uhn, okay." (Steer)

"Then, once you have all the evidence of the corruption memorized, go and distribute the documents to the city's influential people, the press, and so on. After that, it's a simple matter of using mental manipulation to incite the wrath of all those bloodthirsty people, adventurers, and the like. Kuro, what do you think would happen if we did that?" (Noah)

"There will be a civil war. The Gift family will be forced into exile." (Kuro)

One after another, the strategies that we came up with as part of our 'how can we make that man suffer and kill him?' joke were laid out.

"But will I have enough magic?" (Steer)

"I think Steer's current available magic power is 72, isn't it? If we do what we can do today, along with the recovery time of your magical power, you should be able to just barely make it through the day, right?" (Kuro)

"Unlike memory manipulation and memory reading, which consume a lot of magic, this time it's just a little bit of perception manipulation. I think we'll be fine." (Noah)

"Uhn, I'll do my best." (Steer)

Steer's current magical power is "72/1450". At this point, she has twice the magical power of an average magician

 And that's not all.

In the case of magic to look into memories, mind magic continues to consume magic power for as long as you are looking at it.

 In the case of magic that manipulates memories, extra magic power is consumed to correct the inconsistencies before and after.

 However, if you only want to manipulate a small perception, once you have manipulated it, the effect will continue without using any magic power until you release it

"I just did the math. I think it's going to be okay." (Steer)

"I'm glad to hear that. We'll get right to work. But first, you two, is there anyone you want to deal with directly?" (Noah)

""Huh?"" (Otoha) (Ouran)

"So, is there anyone you'd like to personally behead? There is, isn't there?" (Noah)

 The twins, who had been looking puzzled, finally seemed to understand how things were progressing here.

"Re ......... really, you're going to do it?" (Ouran)

"Of course we're going to do it. You told us to do it." (Noah)

"I, I didn't mean it." (Ouran)

"So you're quitting? I don't care. There are plenty of other ways to break off an engagement with that guy." (Noah)

 They looked at us, as if they was trying to find out what we were thinking.

"I'll tell you, by the way, the only reason we didn't go this far was because of you guys. If you didn't want revenge against them, we would have stopped. So the choice is yours." (Noah)

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