Chapter 46

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Avery's POV

The second we reach the hospital we all jump out of the car and go in. Hazel and I follow behind Garrett. We use the stairs and go to the second floor of the hospital.

The floor looks empty at first until we make a left turn and there's at least 50 people here all wearing black. I try to hide my shock face but fail miserably.

Garrett clenches his jaw and groans, "I told them not to come."

He keeps walking and we walk past a few of the people wearing black. They all stare at me but when Hazel gives them a look they quickly look away. We walk a little further until we saw Kai.

She runs to us and brings Hazel in for a hug. Hazel puts her face in her neck and starts crying quietly.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay? Have you had anything to eat?" Kai asks without waiting for Hazel to answer.

She tightens her hold around Hazel and waits for her to answer. Hazel leans back from the hug and wipes her tears.

"I'm not hurt. The baby is okay and no I haven't had anything to eat." Hazel answers the questions in the same order Kai asked her.

"Garrett go get her something to eat." Kai orders.

Garrett shakes his head no, "where is she?"

"Are you really gonna let a pregnant women starve?" Kai asks him and he groans and turns around going in the direction of the elevator.

"Where is she?" I repeat the question.

Kai takes a step back and looks at me then looks at Hazel.

"In surgery." She answers with anger visible in her facial expressions.

"Where did the bullet hit?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, there was no other choice. If I hadn't given the go ahead for the surgery the other bullet that hit her femoral artery would have killed her. She was losing too much blood."

Hazel grabs Kai's shoulder and makes Kai look at her, "where did the second bullet hit her?"

Kai sighs, "It's near her s-spine. We tried not moving her a lot coming here. I had to, you have to understand I had to give the go ahead I couldn't just watch her die. I had to at least do something to save her."

"What are you talking about? Why are apologizing?" I ask scared.

"The doctors said she might never walk again if they do the surgery. There's too many complications and if something goes wrong she's gonna be paralyzed. They told me I could either let her be or do the surgery. I wasn't about to watch her die." Kai slightly raises her voice.

She moves away from us and leans on the wall, "Why is this happening? Why do I have to go through this again?"

"How long is the surgery?" I ask ignoring the state she is in. I'm trying so hard to hold in the tears that are threatening to fall.

"4 to 5 hours."

"Who did this?" Hazel asks from next to me.

Kai looks up from the ground and looks at the both of us, "I don't know yet but whoever is behind this they are going to be very sorry they messed with my family."

Before Hazel and I can reply we see Garrett coming towards us. He's holding a plate of spaghetti and a cup of orange juice.

"Here." He gives them to Hazel and she moves to one of the chairs a few feet away from us and starts eating.

"You're her security and you let her get hurt." Kai whisper shouts probably because she doesn't want to disturb Hazel.

"Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until she said something. What happened to all the bodyguards outside?" Garrett questions.

"All of them are dead. They were all poisoned."

"How could they have been poisoned?" He asks.

Kai shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know yet."

Garrett nods, "I made a promise. That's why I couldn't save her."

He looks at me and Kai follow his eyes and also looks at me. The sudden eye contact makes me take a step back.

"Then forget what I just said. You did good." She replies in a soft tone which makes me relax.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask Kai. She nods and waits.

I know this might not be the right time to ask this but I just have to know.

"What happened to the guy that kidnapped Hazel and Megan?" Kai takes a deep breath and glances at Garrett then back at me.

"I love my family blood or not and no one hurts them without paying for it. I took care of him. He will never hurt another person again." She answers.

That doesn't really answer the question but I know that's all I will ever get out of her. What's important is that she protects the people around her in the best way that she can.

I nod and back away from them and go sit on a chair in front of Hazel. I close my eyes and lean my head back on the wall. I skim through my mind and try to live in the happy memories and not what's happening here.


"I choose you," she murmurs as the backs of her fingernails graze over the soft skin of my cheek. She'd just dropped me off at home but couldn't bring herself to leave. The rain was falling heavily around us, soaking us both to the bone but neither of us cared.

He face was millimeters away from mine and the temptation to close the gap between was strong. To satisfy the urge, I placed a gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth, an action that was quickly reciprocated.

"Every time?" I whisper as she pulls away, and I bring my arms up to settle around her neck. She bend down and wrapped her arms beneath me before bringing me into her arms.

"Every time." She promised. The tantalizing gap between us closes, and I knew right there and then that I never want to kiss anyone else ever again.

End of flashback

"Avery wake up." I hear Hazel and she starts shaking me.

I slowly open my eyes and make eye contact with her. I rub my eyes and stand up.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A couple of hours, they're about to bring Megan out of surgery." She says and on cue the doors to the surgery room open.

They roll Megan out on a hospital bed. All of a sudden everyone is going towards the doctor. Even the people in black that still haven't left.

The doctor looks up at all of us and slightly smiles, "The surgery went okay. There's no bleeding and we were able to get both bullets out easily.

"What about the one next to her spine?" Hazel questions.

"We got the bullet out without any complications but we won't know if she's going to be able to walk or not until she wakes up."

"When is she going to wake up?" I quickly ask.

"Everything is up to her now, we have done everything in our power."

We all nod and Kai asks to speak to the doctor alone for a second. They roll Megan into an empty room. Everyone stays outside expect Hazel and I.

We walk in and I slowly walk up to the bed and take a look at Megan. Her face is pale but she looks so peaceful.

I've lost count of how many times I've cried. I start wiping the tears and I lean down and kiss her forehead.

I step back quickly though because I started to feel dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Hazel asks worried.

I nod but my head starts spinning and the last thing I see is Hazels panicked face before my eyes close and I fall to the ground.

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