Mission? Perhaps (⁰^⁰)

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Did Pan fall asleep? He's stopped asking questions, I don't blame him, it's been a long day for him, it takes a lot of energy to try and remember things that you don't understand.

We're close to the city again..Shit, I've got school tomorrow, what am I going to do with Pan, I can't bring him with, unless I can, there's almost never any teachers so no one of authority qould know.

Belladonna is joining the school too, she'd probably do best in architecture dept. Non of them are very bright, well, Jace is kinda smart but flash him a sweet smile and he forgets everything bad about you.

My phone vibrates, the Caller ID being only 'K' let me know it was Kovik. I pick it up and place it next to my ear.

"Yes?" I softly spoke to my boss, waiting for any orders

"Kuro wants to test something, think you'll be the right person?"

"Depends. What is it?"

"You ever watch one of those Captain America movies?"

"Yes I have......no...don't tell me he"

"Yep, he watched it, got some inspiration, made a serum, I want to see if it works and I trust you the most"

"I refuse to let him inject me with the entire thing, incase it backfires, and if he doesn't have a cure of some sort"

"I understand your concern, he has a cure and let him know once you go there to not do the entire thing" his voice muffled slightly and I hear him talking to someone else, it was something like, 'This the file, not much, bring him here and I'll interview him'


"....yeah, I'm back, anyway think you could see him tomorrow? After school of course"

"Sure, things like that don't exist though, it doesn't work like it does in the movies"

"Mhm, now get home and rest"

"Yes sir"

He hangs up and I put my phone back in my pocket and focus back on driving.

Wonder if Bella ever ran off after I left, abandoned cities are more her kinda place, she'll fit in better with them, and if she doesn't I'll switch her to a different one.

Street lights start become more frequent, lighting up the long road.

We're almost home, I'm so hungry, ramen sounds pretty good, so does chocolate, and pasta, coffee, fried food, dessert.

I soeed the car up a bit, I'm HUNGRY, I would slow down but I'm sure Pans hungry too.

"Mom?" A voice in the backseat mumbled


I dont slow down but my eyes keep looking at Pan, curled up in the passenger seat, looking at me with a genuine, happy smile.

"You..s-...soound? Being unkind"

"We'll talk when we get home Pan"

"Hmm, k" He curled back up into ball and began sleeping again

He called me mom? I'll need to stop that before he gets to Comfortable, especially if I have to bring him to school with me, can't have him calling me mom at school, people will think I had a kid, BUT HE'S SIX! I WOULD'VE  BEEN.....I'm 17...I WOULD'VE BEEN 11!

I dont know anyone who can babysit, maybe R? Maybe Bennu? Nah, he hates kids. Kao likes kids, maybe he can teach Pan some Russian, especially if Pans gonna work with me one day.

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now