a sober or drunken almost murder?

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"Y/n....y/n get up" someone was shaking me to try and get me to wake up which made me a little angry cause I was tired

Earlier everyone went rafting except for me and Pan because he was scared of the river so instead we just ran the track they had

somehow Pan had kept up with me for like 10 minutes before he got super tired and sat on the grass and just rolled around

Then we did a weird candle thing which just drained my battery more so as soon as that was done I ran to my room and slept, until now.

"No, fuck.....off" I yawn and slap the hands away

"Ouch, that actually stings"

"Zoe stop being a baby and wake her up!"

I sit up rubbing my eyes and reach around with my free hand until I feel a face

I look up, my eyes almost completely closed, I peer at the face that I held.

"Zoe? What're you doing?" I ask as I sit up

"Well Mira hasn't come back and Zacks worried" she muttered rubbing her hand which I'm guessing is the one I slapped.

I look around and notice Pan was missing too. I swing my legs off the edge and walk to the door

"If I see Mira I'll bring her back"

As I walk out I hear her phone ring and her talk to someone but can't tell who since I'm now at the end of the hall.

I wonder where Pan is, he never runs off, how weird.


I walk down the stairs and outside, the cold dirt freezes my bare feet making me shiver slightly, but it didn't bother me as much as Pan and Miras disappearance.

'He's looking at you and the nice lady' Pans words speed through my mind, worrying me.

I start sprinting to the storage building, it was the only place with a light, no way, I knew I recognized Zeus, fucker.

If he even grazed Pan I'll break him, I'll fucking break him in two.

I barge into the doors of the storage building, ripping them off their hinges

The doors land on the ground with a loud 'thud', catching Heemins attention

I looked past him at Pan holding his pocket knife and my switchblade with his dominant foot in front of him and his other behind him

He had a rose red mark under his eye which had become blot shot.

「3rd pov」

"Ooo, I get to love two? Well let me deal with this first" the crazed man ushered

He reached out but his wrist cracked up into a disgusting position

While it seemed it was only his wrist the force caused his entire arm to shatter.

The young kid stood terrified at what he called 'mom' had managed to do

Pan dropped the knifes he held to defend a passed out Mira and backed up and cowered next to her instead.

While the lights were bright the black aura that emitted from the h/c girl

A deadly tension that swarmed them like wasps and encased them like a violent river

"Look at what's you're making me do" the h/c girl started "You're making me kill someone in front of a kid"

'Zeus' winced at his broken arm and glared up at the girl before losing any trace of pain

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now