I Just Woke Up

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I groaned. My head pounding. I was face down on the floor. A bitter iron taste in my mouth, lingering on the back of my teeth. My knuckles were bruised and blood had dried while trailing down my hand.

"Mmph" I sat up, my ribs ached. "That pink freak must hit hard.... how annoying", I slowly got up.

My entire hand was scratched and jacked up, a gash on my right arm. What did I do this time? I swear I remember seeing Dg... OH! that's his name, how'd I forget that?

"Mom, you're up!" Pan's heavy footsteps sounded towards me, "Uncle Hellion brought you here but you looked really mad, you guys mad at each other again?"

"No, I don't think so"

"Good!" Pan smiled and nodded. My knuckles where scabbed over, a gash on the side of my right arm that seemed like it'd only recently stopped bleeding.

"Hellion put the hyd...rogen... stuff.. on your arms but you kept smacking his hand"

"Oh... I don't remember that"

Pan smiled, he was confused but he still smiled. "He called someone named Kuro, cause he had to go to work".

Kuro? That hermit left his apartment to come here? Pan helped me up. "He made some food!"

"Kuro can't cook unless we're eating something ready made, and he still fucks that up"

A noodle stuck to my face, Kuro stood with a pink apron that Naroo had bought that says 'Go fuck yourself' in bright purple lettering. "Even though I made ramen that's ready made doesn't mean you're right!"

"Eat shit, you're like off-brand Naroo"

"I'll starve you"

An empty threat, and boring. "I don't wanna eat anyways, I feel like I'll vomit if do"

He made a bowl of ramen for Pan before walking to me and sitting me down at the dinning room table. "You might have a concussion, Hellion told me about a fight you had"

... "He did?". That couldn't be good, the only time I ever blackout is when... Kuro will know I haven't been taking the pills he gave me. "That you fought with an idol, DG, works for Charles Choi, though I can't find anything about him, not even the schools he's gone to"

"Is that all?"

"Well that afterwards you passed out. You realize in our work that's dangerous, you can't just passout in the middle of a fight"

We can run with this. "Oh well fuck me, I didn't choose to". I held my side, I'm pretty certain I have cracked ribs.

"See the watch I put on you?"

I looked down at left hand, a fancy watch wrapped around my wrist. "Why?"

"Heart monitor, it goes straight to my and Hellions phone when your heart rate gets to high. That bracelet you took a while ago did too but it's outdated at this point" He held my bisted up right hand and took off the bracelet id gotten from him so long ago. "And you've damaged it with how many fights you get into"

"Why a heart monitor?"

He went back and made himself a bowl if ramen. "Well I recently found a folder my computer made of your average heart rate, and each time you've freaked out and brutally murdered people, or nearly murdered people" He took a bite, "was when your heart rate was through the roof. And I don't know if you've seen but you are quite murderous in that state"

"Is there a way I can add a contact or two to this? Just incase"

"I'm sure you won't need more then me and Hellion to stop you"

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