Work with me Here

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It took a while getting ready for the meetings I had today. I gave up on trying to put on the jacket and just let it hand around my shoulders. It was ridiculously harder then it seemed to put on with two useless arms.


"Who keeps letting you in here?"

"If you press down all the buttons the front doors unlock at the lobby. I could fix it if you'd like"

"Fuck off" The holster on my hip had dipped low again after my final pathetic attempt. "Need help?"

"No, if I can't tighten a holster after all these years then I should be dead"

"We'll all probably be dead soon anyway. It's but like we're cut out for long lives anyway, lot's don't make it to your or my age"

"Fuck it, help me". He smiled now that he got to be helpful, tightening the leather around my waist. "How old are you?"

He halted, "I'm almost 19". I hummed, "Why the fake accent? It's terrible anyways so why not drop it?"

"I didn't think it was bad enough for you to know, it's easier then letting rumors spread"

"Rumors? All they'd know would be that you're Dutch"

If the days gonna be as hard as it was putting on a mere jacket I'm gonna kill everyone then myself. "Come with me Ludo, I have lot's of things to sign that I can't, you have good handwriting?"

"I've been told so"

A door opened and closed, Naroo and Xan walked in. They were covered in blood. Xan's hair wasnt white anymore
. They tried to and sit on the couch. "Don't!". Both stopped and looked at me, "We've been working for 7 hours and we can sit on a couch, not like you can't buy a new one"

"I like that couch. Bloody it and I'll chop off your-" Someone knocked on the door. "This doesn't change anything. Take those off and wash em' before you sit anywhere. Ludo, door"

I glared down at my hands, even moving my fingers hurt, not enough to make me stop trying to move them of course. I was bored out of my mind, being useless like this. If this happened at the academy the others would try and rip me apart.

"Who's the tiny bitch over here?" Ludo came back scratching his head. Yami followed behind him. "Forgot about you, you're coming with?"

"The academy warden sent me herself. Said it'd be a learning experience that I need"

"Change Ludo, still need a driver" I shoved past the girl and out the open door.


Ludo drove me and the girl around, going each way I told him. It was quiet and nice, of course it was broken by the girl. "I've brought this, tell me the man you hate most and I'll serve it to him"

"What is it?" Ludo didn't ignore her like I did. She giggled, "Pure red wine". His eyes shifted back to her for a moment, the look on his face was perplexed, "What kind, merlot, Cabernet Cortis. I haven't had many wines in Korea"

"It's not the kind you'd like, not the kind anyone would like"

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I turned back to her. Her lips curved in a smile that I'm really starting to hate. "Don't drink it, for all we know she put lily of the valley in it".

Ludo turned the perplexed to me, "A flower? Lily of the valley sounds like it'd make something delicious".

"It's poisonous. Enough, just drive"


It was boring, sitting down amongst the heads of other areas, all they talked about was their accomplishments. It took all I had not to out them for everything they've asked me for, their faults and mistakes.

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now