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Lauren woke the next morning in her bunk to find she wasn't the only one there; Camila had apparently slipped in with her during the night without Lauren knowing

It's not surprising, Lauren is a heavy sleeper. She wouldn't know if she got hit by a car.

"Camz!" Lauren whispered shaking her lightly

"Camila wake up." She repeated and the smaller girl rubbed her eyes tiredly

"Mm hey." She mumbled turning to face Lauren pulling the blanket over them both

"Hey gorgeous." Lauren smiled flirtatiously

"Why am I here?.." Camila asked cluelessly

" don't remember?" Lauren asked her smile dropping

"No, what happened last night?" Camila asked Lauren honestly

"Ugh my head kills." Camila groaned raising a hand to it

"You drank last night." Lauren stated

"Yeah I know I had a few drinks, then what happened?"

"You kissed me." Lauren mumbled

"Oh god, sorry Lauren. I make mistakes when I'm drunk." Camila frowned

"You mean you didn't mean to do it?" Lauren's voice cracked, hurt by Camila's words

"No, I'm sorry Lauren I was drunk. You're one of my best friends." Camila sighed realising the damage she'd done when she looked into Lauren's eyes

"And that's it?" Lauren asked before the last glimmer of hope was crushed at her next words

"That's it. I'm sorry Lolo.."

"Don't call me that." Lauren turned cold on Camila

"Lauren please-" Camila began

"Get out of my bunk." Lauren hissed

"Lauren!" She argued

"Now!" Lauren shouted pushing Camila out and she fell on the floor waking the girls up from the noise

"What was that?" Normani groaned waking up and getting out her bunk

Camila clamped her hand over her mouth and rushed past Normani to the bathroom to be sick, everyone looked at Lauren who had tears streaming down her face

"What happened?" Ally asked getting out her bunk

Dinah did the same looking at Lauren questioningly "Are you okay?"

"I'm going out." Lauren mumbled, she didn't care she was still in her pyjamas, she didn't care it was 6 in the morning, she didn't care it was still dark outside.

She just wanted to get out of there, and she needed to be alone.

Lauren exited the tour bus shutting the door behind her and breathed a sigh. Her breathing became shaky as well as her hands, her whole body was shaking and she couldn't control it.

She was more than upset, she was so angry. She took a risk, heart over head and she thought Camila actually loved her. But she was wrong, as always.

Lauren walked to a local park and sat on the grass under a cherry tree and cried to herself, she sobbed loudly but not loud enough to be heard.

The park was empty due to it being the early hours of the morning. It was fully deserted and quiet. There was complete silence. Lauren was very glad of that.

She had so many pent up emotions that needed to be released, crying didn't work, screaming didn't work, nothing worked that she could do in that moment.

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