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Lauren was brought back from her mania and tears filled her eyes, clearly disappointing her. She was scared, confused and hated being the centre of attention again.

"Shh it's okay, it's okay now." Dinah pulled Lauren into her lap as she cried feeling overwhelmed by it all

Normani got up to go back to her bunk but Lauren grabbed her wrist to stop her leaving "Don't go." she whimpered

Normani's eyes locked with Dinah's who told her that it was absolutely fine to stay for Lauren.

"I just, I really need you both." Lauren confessed weakly and the girls just found themselves nodding in response.

Dinah kept Lauren in her lap, stroking her bare arms soothingly to relax her while Normani took her hand and intertwining their fingers. She kissed Lauren's cheek leaning her head on her shoulder to show her she would stay.

"I'm really sorry guys, I just feel like I let you down." Lauren apologised calming herself down

"Don't you dare apologise, none of this is your fault." Normani promised, stroking the hair out of her face

"You didn't let us down Lauren, don't say that." Ally sat on the bunk rubbing her arm gently

"You're a lot stronger than you think you are Lolo, it'll be fine. Trust me on that." Camila smiled gently before kissing her forehead and looking into her emerald eyes meaningfully

"Goodnight girls." Camila dismissed herself from the group

"Goodnight Mila." The 4 girls chorused before she left

"I'll be fine now, honestly. Go to bed, Dinah will be here if anything happens. I doubt it will though." Lauren told Ally and Normani confidently

"Okay, night Laur. Love you." Normani and Ally both kissed her cheek, earning an unexplained glare from Dinah

Normani chuckled and rolled her eyes at Dinah before leading Ally back to her bunk evasively

"You're such a jealous one aren't you." Lauren smiled, talking only just above a whisper turning to Dinah

"Shut up, anyone would be to have you at their girlfriend." Dinah smiled leaning in for a kiss to which Lauren gladly reciprocated after an "Aw."

"You'll never leave me, right? I don't even mean relationship wise, n-not that I don't want that. Like, I mean I do want us I just. In general, I don't want to be alone again." Lauren stuttered nervously to Dinah

"You're cute when you're flustered you know." Dinah smiled with adoring eyes looking at Lauren

"Dinah." Lauren pressed, she needed an answer.

"I promise babe, I'm not going anywhere." Dinah said seriously as she stroked the hair out of Lauren's face

Lauren breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, although she wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

The next morning Lauren woke up to an empty bunk and got out of bed tiredly, rubbing her eyes she checked to see if Dinah was in one of the bunks but they were all empty.

Lauren checked the back of the bus, she checked the kitchen area, and even the bathroom. Everywhere. She even did a full circle around the bus and came up empty. Camila, Dinah, Normani and Ally were all where did that leave Lauren?

Lauren eventually decided to go and knock on the drivers window to see if he knew anything about any of their sudden disappearances. When she went around there, his area was empty too. But they were near an arena.

Lauren made her way over to the arena and found her way in the hall where the girls were in some sort of a meeting, listening to Simon, their tour manager and their entire team basically.

None of the girls had said a word yet, but Lauren stayed behind out of view to hear what they had to say. Not to eavesdrop, but in case she needed to know about it, I mean, she was a part of Fifth Harmony too. She had a right to be there for the secret meeting.

"So we're all agreed then?" Simon asked and the team reluctantly nodded, but the girls remained silent with sad and angry frowns etched on their faces.

"No, no we're not agreed, I'm sorry. We can't do that, we can't." Ally shook her head and folded her arms

"Simon, listen to us, okay? She's just as important as all of us, it's not right. We wouldn't be here today with a VMA and all our singles and albums and awards if she wasn't with us." Camila agreed

"It just wouldn't be Fifth Harmony without her, you can't make us do this. It's awful." Dinah sighed

"If you're getting rid of Lauren, then you're getting rid of us all." Camila said edging towards Simon and the rest of the girls followed her lead

"So, what's it to be?" Normani asked raising her eyebrow, waiting for his honest answer

"Then I guess you're all off this label. Say your goodbyes girls, I want Fifth Harmony gone." Simon said and got up leaving the hall in the opposite direction to her along with the rest of the crew with the girls all looking at each other worriedly

"D-did we just get fired?" Lauren croaked and the girls turned around so fast they could have got whiplash

"How long have you been standing there?" Dinah asked and Lauren shrugged "Long enough to know what just happened, and where your loyalties lie. Thank you for that." Lauren said walking towards them

Normani sighed and nodded "We're friends forever and it's been an amazing journey we've shared together for 3 years now but..this is it."

"Fifth Harmony is really over." Camila bit her lip as tears spilled over her cheeks, the rest of the girls let their tears fall freely too

"Come on, bring it in." Ally opened her tiny arms and the girls all joined the emotional group hug together

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to us, this..Fifth Harmony is my home." Lauren cried and the girls all looked at each other "It's all of our homes." Dinah sniffed and wiped her eyes

"But you know what? It's okay, because we're still best friends that travelled the world and hell we've made ourselves known. We've made our names so maybe it is over career wise, but I will never, ever forget the times I've had with you girls. It's been amazing, I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Camila said with emotion thickly laced in her traumatised voice

They pulled away from the hug and dried their eyes before someone's hand went in the middle and they recognised it to be Dinah's she stared at them waiting for them to put theirs on top and they caught on, slowly putting their hands on one at a time.

"To Fifth Harmony." Lauren gulped as she put her hand on Dinah's, the other girls followed and nodded as they repeated the words together

"To Fifth Harmony."

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